Natsuki's S/O Gives Him a Piggyback Ride

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Natsuki was never shy too shy to have fun! No matter the place and crowd. You've always admired him for that. You were at an arcade together. You'd played lots of cool games together most of which you had beat him in. Driven by overconfidence you challenged him to ping pong. The loser had to give the other a penalty dare.

Little did you know, the Piyo-chan loving idol had a hidden talent.

"I love you ____-chan." Natsuki said shamelessly, exercising his shoulder. "But, I don't plan on going easy on you. I hope that okay!"

You let out a cocky chuckle, "Do what you want Shinomiya... I have no intention of sparing you either."

You and him both narrow your eyes at each other, readying yourselves for an intense battle. The competitive tension between you two was terrifying enough to make any passerby think they'd heard thunder.

"Shinomiya, you serve." you said exercising your wrists.

Natsuki's giggled, "You're getting so aggressive that you even call my name so formally. It's so cute~! But, I don't think I should serve. The game might end too soon if I did. That's why I believe you should serve instead okay?"

You roll your eyes, "Whatever. No matter who serves the result will be the same."

Natsuki bounced the ball over to you for you to catch, "I agree."

"I will win!" you both say in very serious voices.

You ready your paddle for your serve with an arrogant smirk, "We will see about THAT!" you grunted serving the ball with full force.

Natsuki had a new face. A face unlike his happy-go-lucky-all-things-cute-obsessed self. No, this face was serious, determined, slightly frightening. He smirked evilly right before returning the ball to you with much greater force.
That hidden talent of his was wielding a ping pong paddle.
The ball was flying toward you, it was impossible to hit it. It seemed to be heading right for your face. instead of focusing on returning the ball you ducked under the table to save your teeth. The ball hit the wall and bounced back over to Natsuki. He retrieved the ball and peeked under the table at you with smile.

"Sorry, _____-chan! I didn't mean to scare you under the table. It's funny. That's not even my best swing." he giggled.

You scoff, "Whatever. I wasn't scared. Just serve it already!"

You stand up, examining the blonde carefully. That swing had much more impact than you expected. You studied the way he positioned the ball in the palm of his hand. Before you knew it, he served the ball and you missed it terribly.

"_____-chan!" he giggled. "Even though I won that round, I'll let you serve. Okay?"

You frown, "I don't need your hand outs, Shinomiya! So, just serve."

This time you were determined, you would NOT let the ball out of your sight. Natsuki smiled,

"As you wish.... SMASH!"

You returned it this time with excessive force. This round went a lot longer than the last two. There were lots of grunts and move names shouted loud enough that many people in the building were drawn to you intense game. You'd even gained a scorekeeper from the crowd.





But no matter how hard you tried, Natsuki's swings were relentless! You couldn't keep up! In the end, the Ping Pong Champion was Natsuki. Which meant you were given't the penalty. Well, at least you put up a good fight. And gave a great show!

You and Natsuki left the arcade discussing the possible penalties as you walked home.

"Um, I wonder what I want to have you do." Natsuki smiled.

You looked at him with an exhausted look on your face, "Out with it already!"

You heard him gasp. He'd stopped walking, his eyes had a child-like gleam in these. You followed his eyes to see what he was looking at. He was watching a father give his daughter a piggyback ride. Your heart raced as you'd guessed what he'd soon ask of you.


"Absolutely not gonna happen, Shinomiya." you sighed.

He gasped, "But, _____-chan we agreed that–"

"That's impossible! Entirely impossible!" you argued.

He giggled, "Why do you always call my name so formally in moments like these?"

"Because, if called you Nacchan my anger or seriousness wouldn't get through to you."

"Please, _____-chan!"

"NO! Choose another penalty." you huffed.

"But, _____-chan..." he said in a serious voice, "As the loser you can't choose your penalty."

The voice he used sent shivers down your spine, you couldn't argue anymore.

"Fine..." you sighed, "Hop on."


Natsuki jumped on your back with no warning, no countdown, nothing. You both tumbled down to the sidewalk. You'd known from the beginning there was no way you could carry him. He was two, maybe three times your size!

"Ow. Ow. Ow." you groaned.

Natsuki giggled, "That didn't last very long little piggy. Are you okay?"

"My ankle." you hissed.

Natsuki reached for your ankle and frowned when you winced at the touch, "I'm sorry, ____-chan. Here, I'll give you a piggy-pack ride on the way home."

Before you knew it, he'd swept you up before you could protest. He helped you onto his back, without putting pressure on your injured ankle. On the walk home you wondered, just how far he was expecting to get with him on your back. He obviously had no idea you would get hurt in the process. When you got to your house he helped you tend to your ankle and apologized numerous times. But of course you couldn't be upset. It was all in the name of semi-harmless fun.

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