If Tokiya's crush got sick

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The dark haired idol found himself standing on the outside of ______'s door. Somewhat nervous, was this a good idea? He couldn't afford to get sick. The mic test is just a week from today but the moment he'd gotten their message about why they wouldn't be attending class he'd gotten worried. He'd always try to do little things like lending them his jacket when it'd gotten chilly or giving up his umbrella on a rainy day to keep them from catching a cold. _______ being sick meant he couldn't be as close to them as he would like to, or at least that's what it meant before he'd gotten an idea.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

______ answered the door, he was greeted with a sneeze. He'd never seen them like this before; their nose was awfully red, their hair a tousled mess, and their eyes were puffy indicating their restlessness.

They smiled, "Tokiya.."

He felt a pang in his chest, hearing them whisper his name in such a weak voice made his heart race. 'How? Even in this state they never cease to make me feel on edge.'

"Sorry to barge in on you like this." he said softly.

"Nonsense, come in. Are you here scold to me for not taking proper care of myself?"

"Not exactly." he chuckled.

"What's in the bags?" They asked referring to the plastic bags he was towing.

"When I got your message, I decided to take a cab to the market after to classes were over to grab some things. Would you mind if I put on a tea for you?" he asked.

"No go ahead. Do you need me to–" they fell into a coughing fit.

"No, I would like for you to lie down and get some rest. I remember where things are from last time." he said going to the kitchen.

After he started the tea, he went on to heat up the soup he'd learned to make from Masato. Once everything was done, he neatly placed the hot soup and tea on a tray along with some crackers and a spoon. When he returned, ______ was asleep on the couch. He sat the tray on the table and kneeled so that he could gently wake them.

"______, please wake up so that you can put something on your stomach. You only need something light, so I've heated a soup and some crackers to help you fill up." He helped them up so that the could enjoy their soup more comfortably, "Mattaku, if only you'd have listened to me and visited the nurses offices like I told you. This could have all been prevented."

They smiled, "I take it now's the time to scold me?"

"I suppose it is." He chuckled, "Ah, right! I saw your roommate on the way here as they were heading out."

"Really? I didn't even realize they had left. Did they say when they'd be coming back?" they asked, taking another spoonful of soup.

"Later this evening. I would like to keep you company until they return to make sure you're properly resting and help you with what I can... That is, if you would allow it?"

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