Volunteering at the Orphanage with Otoyan

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You practically leaped out of the train when you'd reached your stop. How could you forget today was the day you'd volunteered at the orphanage with Otoya? It meant so much to him when you said you'd help out. The two of you would take the place of the two who were normally in charge. Otoya was so touched when they'd reached out to see if he'd want to fill in. To him, 'It was like a dream, he could give back for real!'

You ran along the sidewalk only looking forward resulting in you passing the gate surrounding your destination.

"Hey, _________!" you heard in the distance.

The familiarity of the voice caused you to stop running almost immediately. You looked over your shoulder to see the smiling redhead waving at you, letting you know you'd passed him. You swirl around on the back of your heel, wiping away any sweat you may have worked up during your run. You pat your clothes making sure there wasn't a wrinkle in sight and smoothed out your possibly wild hair all before entering the gate.

"Hi, Otoya-kun. I'm sorry I'm late." you smile sheepishly.

You shook his head as he walked toward you with open arms, "No worries. At least you made it here."

He held you closely in his arms, the scent of him made you forget all about your tardiness. You almost became putty in his arms so you released him and took a step back. You knew you could forget about everything else easily when you were around him. Now, it was time to focus!

"What's first on the agenda, Otoya-kun?" you asked happily with an almost heroic pose.

He chuckled, "Well, right now they're having breakfast. Would you like to have a bite before we begin. Sasaki-san is in the kitchen today! She's the best cook here!" He lead you inside so that you could stuff your faces. Apparently, he'd been waiting on you before he'd had anything to eat himself.

After having a vast array of breakfast items, you both were full and ready to take on the day! You were assigned to take on dish washing duty as he and the kids round up the dirty dishes.

"_______, where's Kurosawa-kun? He's supposed to help with the dishes." Otoya asked as he neatly placed a stack of dishes on the counter.

"Huh, uhhh." you started.

"Kurosawa-kun will not be able to make it," Sasaki said removing her hair net as she walked over to you.

Otoya rambled the cabinet in search of some gloves, "Alright, then I'll help you out–"

"Nonsense, Ittoki-kun you have much more to do. I shall assist ________-san with the dishes. We'll be finished in no time!" Sasaki-san said, putting on a new pair of gloves.

The red haired boy nodded, "Right! I'll leave it to you then."

You smile as he dashed out of the kitchen to the kids. You notice the elderly woman looking at you.

"I've known Ittoki-kun since the day he was brought here and I've watched him grow to be the helpful, cheery young man he is now. But over the last few months he's seemed to be even happier." she said with a smile, "Thanks to you."

You blush and continue to wash the dishes, "I wouldn't say that–"

"But, it's true. He tells me quite often how grateful he is to have you in his life." she said beginning to rinse the dishes. "The way you two interact with one another reminds me of my late husband and I.."

Eventually, she went on to share stories of her youth and romance with her husband. Those stories made you giggle when you imagined you and Otoya in those situations. Time seemed to speed by, you were glad to have Sasaki-san to chat with.

"___-chan! ___-chan! ___-chan!" you hear the children chant your name almost immediately after you exited the kitchen. "___-chan! ___-chan! ___-chan!"

Giggling, you answer them with a smile, "Yes, yes?"

"We're going to finger paint!" one of the boys exclaim. "Oto-nii said so!"

"Will you paint with us, ___-chan?" one of the girls asked.

"I will! You guys seem more excited than usual. Why is that?" you asked.

One of the little girls said as she hugged you leg, "Because you're here, ___-chan."

"Huh? Me?" you ask.

"Okay! Has everyone cleaned up the rooms?" Otoya asked, as he carried in a box from outside.


"Good." he smiled placing the box on the table with a light grunt, "We're going to play a little game called Hide and Seek. My favorite and~.... "

The room got frighteningly silent.

"___-chan is it!" he shouted.

All of the kids screamed and ran away from you. Even Otoya himself. You stood their slightly confused for a moment. You heard light footsteps coming behind you, "I believe this is the part where you count, _________-san." Sasaki-san chuckled.

5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. 80. 85. 90. 95. 100...

"Ready or not here I mmph–" you bumped into something solid as soon as you turn from the corner you were counting in. "What th–"

"Shhhh..." you look up to see you'd walked into Otoya, smiling down at you.

"Shouldn't you be hiding?" You asked.

He leaned in to kiss you, "Thank you for coming, _______. It means the world to me."

Blushing, you push him away, "A-anytime! Now help me find these kids!"


"You kissed me so by contact you're also 'it'! So let's move before they get to base!" you commanded, running off leaving Otoya to register what had just happened.

He laughed silently, "_____-chan is the cutest!"

Utaprination's Headcannons & ScenariosOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora