Ai learning to braid your hair.

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(d/h)=dominant hand

You were pretty bummed out about the biking accident you had that ended with your arm in a cast. You expressed your grief to you cyan haired boyfriend over and over, certain that you'd annoyed him by now. It frustrated you not being able use your (d/h). You needed help writing, tying your shoes, doing anything to your hair and fixing your own cereal!

You weren't used to having to rely on someone for everything. But you were happy to have Ai by your side to help you through it all.
He'd helped you decorate your cast, paint your toe nails and even washed your hair for you! Now that your hair was dry, you decided to make things easy for the next day since you wouldn't be able to curl it.

"Ai, do you think you could help me with something?" You asked.

He was tossing away the old cotton balls from earlier away, "What is it, _____?"

"Could you braid my hair?" You asked.

You glace over to see him looking at you without the slightest bit of an expression, "What's wrong with the way it is now?" He asked.

"I just..." you pout, "I just like to braid my hair."

He walked over to your dresser to grab your hair brush, "Fine... How do you like your braids?"

You slap your free against your cast in cheer, "Like Elsa!"

He looked at you and frowned, "Elsa..." He noticed you take a deep breath.

He used his lips to silence yours before you could start to sing 'Let it go'.

"Please don't." He said softly against your lips.

Blushing, you nod. 

Ai ran his fingers through your hair; Brushing it back using only his fingertips sent lovely sensations all over your scalp. With your instruction, he began his best attempt at an 'Elsa' braid. When he'd finished he handed you a brush allowing you to look at it. You tried your best to hold back a laugh. 

"Isn't there an easier way to learn how to braid? You're instructions aren't helping." He admitted with a sigh.

You chuckle an apology, "I'm sure we could find a good tutorial online."

"Alright, let's try it." Ai shrugged.

You take to YouTube to find the best tutorial and Ai begins his best efforts.

"Ouch! Ai don't tug so hard!"

"I didn't tug."

"Ai it doesn't feels right."

"I know. I'll try it again."

"Uhhh, I think it's too loose."

"Be quiet, ______. I'm trying to concentrate."

"Hey, careful."

"______, stop moving."


"I missed that part. Start it over?"

"Huh? We have to start all the way over?"

"No, stop, you're moving too much again _____. I'll do it myself."

After replaying the same part of the video several times, you realize that Ai was much more into this than you'd have expected. He'd gotten really quiet, you were afraid to say anything. You didnt want to get scolded for ruining his concentration. When he was done he'd handed you a mirror to see that the braid came out pretty close to perfect.

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