(STARISH) If his child up in the middle of the night crying.

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You and your guy head to bed after a long day. You'd been awake since 6 am with your 3 ½ month old child. Now was your first opportunity since 6 to get some type of rest. After only an hour you hear: WAAAAAAH! WAAAAAH! , coming from the nursery across the hall.
NOTE: (parenthesis)- you speaking; *bold print following astrick*- Actions;REGULAR PRINT- him speaking.

NATSUKI: (Darn it! I just closed my eyes.) *sighing lightly, you peel the sheets back* Please, stay in bed ____-chan. (Hm, are you sure?) *he pulls the cover back over you and softly kisses your forehead* I'm positive~! I love you so much, ____-chan. You've worked very hard taking care of her every need since the beginning. Tonight, I'll take care of her alone. You lie back and relax because I want you properly rested, okay? *you nod and snuggled under the sheets. You hear his light footsteps crossing the hall* Shh, it's okay. It's okay, Papa's here.*the crying immediately stops as soon as he speaks. He kisses his daughters cheeks* That's my little cutie! Did you miss me so soon? *you hear your child's garbled sounds of excitement and giggles, causing your husband to giggle as well* I see~! Daddy missed your adorable little self too. *you smile to yourself. You knew that as long as you had Natsuki by your side you'd never have to worry about a thing when it'd come to your child. As she was already as happy as her father*

*you turn to Tokiya, whose eyes were tightly shut* (Tokki, the babies...) So soon? *he groaned and rolled out of the bed* Let's go, _______. We can bring them to bed with us for the night. (Okay.) *you follow him over to the nursery and collect your precious twins. He picked up his daughter and began to sing the lullaby he'd written just for them. She immediately stopped crying. You smiled as your son had stopped crying just from being in your arms. You gently kissed his forehead. Tokiya was watching you with a fascinated look on his face.* (What is it?) I was just thinking that I couldn't have chosen a more beautiful woman to have as my wife and mother to my children.

CECIL: Zzzzzzzz.....ZzZZZzzZZzZZzZZZz! (Cecil.) ZzZzzzzZzz... Ahhaha, stupid Count. ZzZZzZzzzZZZzZ... *you hop out of bed and snatch your leftover water from the nightstand.* (Cecil!) ZzzZz! *without hesitation you splash the water on him causing him to hop out of bed in a state of panic* Water?! Rain!?*gasp* The baby! It's okay Daddy's coming so don't drown! *you chuckle to yourself as he dashed across the hall to check on his crying son*

Note: *evil chuckle* That was the only way I could think of to wake him. *shrugs* What?! Don't look at me like that. {>_>}

REN: Yare, yare. I should have known she would start crying again sooner or later. *he rolls out of bed to go and console his little princess. You rub your eyes as you register what he'd said and followed him to the nursery* (I think she's hungry.) *he picks her up and the crying immediately ceases.* (Or not...) She just misses her Papa Bear. *he playfully nibbles at her face causing her to let out sounds of amusement. You roll your eyes as you'd felt slightly jealous. You'd already said before that you think she'd loved him more than you. He winks at you and you gently hug him from behind.* (Of course, she's going to be a daddy's girl.) She already is. *You peek over at your daughter and smiled when you noticed her smiling up at her father before her eyes began to flutter.* (You know, I'm jealous that she took after you at not me. I mean, she has your eyes and hair. She even smiles like you all the time!) Even so, I'm sure she'll grow to be as beautiful as her mother. In the meantime, we can try again! Maybe then we'll have a son that takes after you. *he winks at you. You playfully smack his butt and he purrs seductively* Prrr, now you're just asking for it. (Ren Jinguji, not in front of her!) What? She's asleep!

OTOYA: *you wake up to see that your husband was missing from bed. Your son was crying loudly. Out of panic you jump out of bed and head toward the nursery until you heard* Shhhh. Shhh... Aw, please don't cry! I don't want you mother to wake up. She's so tired...*the crying seemed to get worse* Crap... She makes this look so easy. *you peek into the nursery to see Otoya cradling his son in his arms just like you'd taught him, gently rocking him.* Shhh... Oh! I know! You want the bottle, right? *he walks to the bottle station and makes a bottle of milk with his free arm. Heating it up with no problem at all. You could tell that he'd been watching you.*Here, let's try this. *he inserts the bottle into the baby's mouth and the crying subsides* What? You stopped? Ahhh, so he was hungry all this time! Alright! *you giggle at his cheer and smile at his sigh as if he'd stopped a bomb. After one more peek you'd head to bed. You were sure he could handle the rest.*

SYO: Oi ______. He's crying again. (Syo, could you please get him this time? I'm exhausted.) But, he hates me! (Syo, he does not hate you.) B-But– *you smiled at your husband. You'd known that if he was more confident with his abilities he'd have helped you out without a word.* (Come on, let's go together.) *You take his hand and he scoots out of bed behind you. You lead him to the nursery. Cradling your son in your arms you kiss his cheek softly. The crying stopped so you hand him over to Syo. He awkwardly reached for him causing you to smirk.* (Careful, Syo! He can smell fear.) H-hey, now. Don't tease me.*Syo held him in his arms just as awkwardly as he'd reached for him. The crying started up again. You showed him how your son liked to be held. Once he'd gotten the hang of it, he'd stopped crying. This was Syo's first time holding his son in his arms without you standing behind him. He'd feed, talked to and played with his son all while he was in in your arms.*Hey, this is cool. (You think?) Yeah, just holding him like this makes me feel– It's hard to explain. (I'm glad you feel that way, Syo because you're staying up with him until he falls asleep.) O-Oi! (Bottles in the mini fridge. He likes it when it's heated for 15 seconds instead of 25 on medium. Shake the bottle after it's been heated, test it on the back of your hand to make sure it's not too hot before feeding it to him.) Oi, w-wait a second! *you fake a yawn* See you in the morning~! *you hide in the hallway peeking in to watch them.*

MASATO: *Masato quickly leaps out of bed and dashes over to the nursery without warning* (U-um, Masa–) The baby! *You hurriedly run after him to check it out as well. You, still half asleep, couldn't quite keep up. Once you made it there Masato already had his daughter in his arms rocking her steadily, whispering things you couldn't quite make out. He ran his finger along her cheek to wipe her tears away. She grips his finger in an attempt to bring it up to her mouth. You immediately noticed the sign and grabbed the pre-made bottle to heat it.* (Here...) Thank you. *You watch him as he quietly feed his daughter with a small smile resting on his lips. He said something you couldn't quite make out again but this time he was look at you.* (What was that?) I said thank you. (Why?) Because had it not been for you I would not have this opportunity to hold my daughter close to my heart like this. I love you, _____. (I love you too. And... Thank you.) Hm? (For being a wonderful father to her.) I–*blushes*I wouldn't call myself a wonderful father I–... I'm merely trying to be for her what I never had. (A loving father and wonderful husband?)*Masato smiles as you walk over to kiss him sweetly careful not to hurt your baby.*

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