Was he being serious ? He had just threatened to 'Mate' me over a dead persons corpse without seeing nothing wrong with it and expected me not to be freaked out ?

"Get off me" I whimpered as his hands tightened on my wrist due to my lack of answer.

" I did not mean to hurt you" He replied loosening up his grip but not letting me go .

"Then got off me" I whispered as my anxiousness seemed to crawl up my body .

My anxiety wrapped around my throat making it almost hard to breath , what he has said was barbaric and monstrous- why would he say such a ghastly thing ? I needed some breathing space to think , my desire had clouded my senses , how could I be so stupid ?

I didn't know this person and I was willing to let him kiss me and touch me after he told me how he had killed children, men and women.

What the hell has happened to me ?

Had they drugged me?

Had I lost all common sense?

"Do not panic , it tugs at the bond . What are you fearing , my little human?" He asked , looking genuinely baffled.

"You just said you would m-mate me over someone's dead body , that's crazy" I gasped shakily , while still trying to tug my hand out of vice like grip .

"I did, I would not do it over his body whilst he was alive because he would see your naked body which just won't do. Maybe I should mate you now just in case anyone has any ideas" His eyes wondered up and down my body "Yes, I think that's a good idea.

"N-no! I don't want too, p-please!" I choked out,  my tugging becoming frantic.

"Fine, you have four days to prepare yourself for the mating as I refuse to wait any longer. You're lucky I'm being so tolerant with your bad behaviour human"

And with that he was gone

I sagged onto the floor as dread, anger, shock and fright circled around my mind - I had four days to prepare to get 'Mated'.

What did he even mean by mated, surely, he couldn't mean sex?

I had known him for two and a half weeks and I'm using the term 'know' incredibly loosely here .

'Well you didn't seem to mind when you were sucking on his finger like some Popsicle' Snorted the voice in my head .

Just great, I was going crazy too .

'No dumb dumb, I'm your- ''

"My what?" I asked aloud as the voice stopped .

'Nevermind, you'll find out after you're marked officially. Good luck! '

Marked? What did the voice mean by marked ? How was I meant to prepare for something I wasn't sure about ?

"Are you okay?" Asked the cautious tone of Cindy as she peeped her head around the door.

"No, apparently I need to prepare to get mated and marked in four days time. I-I'm so confused and lost , I just want to go home . I'm s-scared"  I whined, wallowing in self pity .

Cindy and Sam tried their best to console me but how do you console someone who knows that in four days time she was going to lose her virginity to a God who she barely knew ?

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