"What now?" Jacob's voice filled with slight astonishment, wondering how something else could have been important that happened in the human's life. It seemed like so much had gone on already.

   Haven had been in the room prior to this and was someone that Bella had consulted first on the names for her unborn child. The huntress never disagreed with her and simply said that whatever she chose would fit the child well, which Bella had been expecting due to Haven's nature of never wanting to upset anyone. Even if the brunette hated the name she would have kept her mouth shut in order to please Bella.

   This was why Bella had moved on to asking everyone else for opinions.

   "Rosalie is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names," Edward answered Jacob's eager question with a small smile on his face.

   "She hates them," Bella's doe eyes moved to Haven once she summed up her sister's opinion. "But Haven says they're cute."

   "Haven would say anything to make you happy," Jacob looked down at his girlfriend, knowing the nature of the Eldridge girl all too well.

   No one disagreed with that statement, even Haven who simply shrugged in recognition to one of her traits. In all honesty she quite liked the baby names Bella had chosen—both meant something to both Edward and herself, and they were rather individual just like the child Bella was bearing.

   "Jake will be on your side no matter what the names are just so that he can displease Rose," Haven retorted back as she looked between the wolf and vampire, the pair hadn't ever gotten along despite being cooped up in the house together a lot.

   Rosalie scowled at the huntress but Jacob didn't looked shocked by the analysis, knowing it was also true.

   "They're not that bad," Bella turned to look at Rosalie when she said this after brushing over her best friends' bickering. "If it's a boy then EJ—Edward Jacob."

   Both of the boys looked at Bella gratefully, especially Jacob not expecting such a grand gesture from his friend. Haven had liked that name the best, honoring the two important men in Bella's life—her best friend and boyfriend—seemed like a perfect gesture.

   "Okay, that one's not that bad," Rosalie relented. "Tell him the girl name."

   "I was playing around with our mom's names, Renee and Esme. I was thinking Renesmee, with her middle name being Haven."

   Haven had teared up upon first knowing this fact but now she only smiled happily at the thought. Bella may have had a gut feeling that the baby inside her was a boy but Haven would easily place her bets on a girl at this point.

   It wasn't the middle name that had Jacob stumped, but the first name. His nose scrunched up in confusion as he stated the name back to test it out in question. "Renesmee?"

   Edward chuckled slightly from behind Jacob and Haven at his reaction—most people who had heard it did the exact same thing including himself.

   "Too weird?"

   "Uh," Jacob contemplated answering Bella's question for a quick moment.

   "It's not too weird," Edward finished, smiling at the thought of giving back to Esme in this way. "It's beautiful and unique, it certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee."

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