Chapter 3: Stranger

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I felt a light tap on my shoulder and fluttered my eyes open. It was him, he faced the the opposite direction and walked away. I watched him leave, I then stood up and walked out into the hallway. Making my way outside I felt the cold brush against my skin. I was wearing a black pullover sweater, a dark grey shirt, skinny jeans, and full black high top converse. My shoes squeaked onto the went pavement as I walked out of the school, I pulled my hoodie over my ears and shoved my hands into my pockets. When I arrived home I saw a note on the counter and closed the door walking towards it. ' Be back later works busy, from mom' I sighed, 'of course she'd be back later, she would either come home at midnight or not come home at all until the next day' I shook my head clearing my thoughts and walked into the kitchen. I was making myself some dinner when I heard a noise, I stopped what I was doing and listened. Nothing. It was quiet, I shrugged it off and continued cooking. After I ate, I went to the living room and sat down to read a book.
"Hey there....." an eery voice said startling me. I was about to turn my head when I felt a cold, thin, sharp piece of metal against my throat. I shivered as he held the knife to the point where it was uncomfortable to swallow.
"Tch don't move" he said threateningly, I ignored him and moved forward into the knife.
"What are you doing?" He questioned.  I didn't answer and moved closer into the object, I winced at I felt the blade cut into my skin. He put his arm around my shoulder to stop me.
"Aren't you here to kill me?" I asked.
"What makes you think that?" He said slightly lowering the weapon.
"Why else would you be here?" I said leaning back into the couch. He was silent for a while. I could hear the sound of rain outside, single drops of water creating puddles and rivers and splashing onto the ground. He let the knife slide of my neck where I felt another cut made, he then dropped his arm to the side. I started to turn my head again to look at my attacker.
"Don't" he said firming his grip on my shoulders. I looked straight ahead and felt his shallow breaths on my neck, we sat that way for a few minutes and I closed my eyes slowly relaxing myself.
"Did I scare you?" He asked quietly.
"No" I responded. 'Its was the truth anyway, I didn't mind him being here...I didn't mind if anything would have happend either'. He made no sound and let me go, I heard a small creak and the sound of rain got louder but was then shut out with complete silence. I looked around and saw nothing. I suppressed a deep sigh that I never knew I was holding. I felt as if the cold metal of the blade was still on my skin. I placed my hand over my throat and felt a wet substance. Blood. I removed my hand and saw the thick red liquid. I sighed and went to the bathroom, looking at the mirror I saw a cut from my right collar bone to my left. Rinsing it off I grabbed a towel and dried my self. Satisfied with it I walked into my room and changed into some more comfortable cloths or pj's to be exact, laying in bed I thought about what happend today then soon fell fast asleep. I jolted awake and fell off my bed when I heard the front door open, I was still concerned about what had happend earlier, it was still pitch black outside. I quietly lifted my self off the floor and winced as I turned my neck. Carefully leaving my room and I went downstairs and peeked over the wall, and face palmed. It was just my mother, she walked in and threw herself onto the couch. I sighed and walked over to her, she was fast asleep still in her police uniform. I poked her and nudged her to wake up, she didn't budge. I then hoisted her up, putting her arm and around my shoulder and wrapping one arm around he waist to keep her from toppling over. I placed her on her bed tucking her in, making my way back to my room I had an uneasy feeling. Wrapping my fingers around the door knob I stepped in, taking a few more steps into my room until a hand covered my mouth to keep me from making any sound. I felt my heart beat and anger rising up with in me, I hit him as forcefully as I could. My arm met with his ribs and he groaned letting me go. I quickly stepped away and looked at the intruder.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter.

~Kawaii potato

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