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Haneul's p.o.v

"Okay sweety, mommy's gonna work now. When Aunty Hyerin comes back I need you to behave okay ?" I asked my daughter. She nodded. I kissed her forehead and her nose.

"I love you darling." I told her.

"I love you too mommy." She replied in her adorable voice.

I said goodbye and I left her with Hyerin's son and boyfriend.

We arrived again in the building and she led me to a practice room where loud music could be heard.

From the open door, my eyes landed on a familiar figure, dancing to the beat and rythm of the music.

I stopped in my tracks and so did my heart for a few seconds.

It's him.

Hoseok's p.o.v

As I did a turn, my eyes landed on Hyerin noona, our make-up artist and then it landed on the woman beside her.

My breath got stuck in my throat.

Is it really her ?

Haneul's p.o.v

The other boys of bangtan crowded around Hyerin. My eyes stayed glued to him. He did the same.

I've been supporting his group since he debuted. No matter what he did, It was his dream and I promised to support him.

He broke the eye contact and he went with the boys.

"Boys you know that I'm resigning right ?" She started. They nodded.

"Well this is my friend and she's gonna take my place. Please be kind to her okay ?" She told them. They all looked at me. I nervously smiled and bowed.

"My name is Kim Sky. I'm 22 years old and I hope we all get along." I nervously started.

"Yay another Kim !" One of the boys, probably Taehyung shouted. We all laughed.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, the leader nice to meet you." He smiled kindly at me and I smiled back.

"I'm Kim Seokjin, the eldest." Jin shook my hand.

"I'm Min Suga. Hello there." A man waved at me.

"I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you noona." Taehyung smiled.

"I'm Jimin !" A guy exclaimed.

"Hi I'm Jungkook." A guy shyly said. I smiled at his cuteness.

They all looked at Hoseok, waiting for him to say something.

Hoseok's p.o.v

I could feel their stares burning into me. I couldn't speak. I couldn't think properly. She's right there in front of me yet I can't do a thing.

"I-" My voice cracked and I cleared my throat.

"I'm J-Hope." I told her, looking away.

The boys looked at me strangely but yet again, I ignored them.

Haneul's p.o.v

"I'm J-hope." His voice cut through me like knives. Hearing his voice in person again brings back so many memories.

"Nice to meet you all." I faked a smile and bowed.

"I'm gonna leave you all to get to know each other. Have fun." Hyerin waved us goodbye and left.

"What do you guys wanna do ?" I asked them when Hyerin unnie left the room.

"We're working on our dancing. Can you please see if we're doing good ?" Jimin asked me. I nodded.

"Sure why not ?" They went into position and the music started playing. As I was watching them dance, my gaze fell on Hoseok. He was so focused on dancing.


"Come on Sky. Dance with me ! Loosen up !" Hoseok dragged me to the middle of an empty room and started dancing.

"I'm not as good as you though Hope." I laughed. He shook his head and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back to him. I danced to some of the songs that I know until a slow song came on. Hoseok held my hands and guided me closer to him. My heart started beating fast and I couldn't help but to blush. He was too close to me.

"Normally you would push me away for invading your personal space. Are you falling for me already ?" Hoseok smirked at me. I shook my head and smiled. I leaned my head onto his chest as we slow danced. "I think staying in this position with you won't be so bad after all." I whispered. He chuckled and I just hugged him tighter.

"If dancing with you will always be like this, I'd just dance for days." Hoseok declared. I laughed at him and his cheesiness.

《Memory over》

Seokjin's p.o.v

The very first thing Sky did was stare at J-hope. When he was introducing himself, they stared at eachother with an emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint. Now that we are all dancing she's staring at J-hope again. Is he her bias ? The strange thing is, whenever she sees J-hope she always seems to be in a daze a few seconds later. Do they know eachother ? Should I try to find out ?

Hoseok's p.o.v

I can feel her burning gaze on me. It's making me so self-concious when it shouldn't. I worked hard for the past few years just to get to where I am now. I did my best, I trained hard, I worked my ass off. Just for her. To be enough for her. Is it enough now ?

Can I come back running to her ? Will she forgive me ? Does she still love me ? I left her there. Even though she tried to convince me that I am enough, I still wouldn't believe her. Maybe I should have believed her. Would we still be together if I stayed with her that night ?

Yoongi's p.o.v

I think we've all been silently and secretly observing Hoseok while dancing. He never stutters. No matter how nervous he gets henever stutters. The reason why he stuttered infront of Sky makes us all curious.

Sure Sky is indeed pretty but he never reacted like that once to anyone. Do they know eachother ? Even knowing eachother for years, there are still things he's not telling us. Like why he wanted to become a trainee so bad or why he chose the name J-hope.

Hoseok earned my respect when I watched him train. For years, he always does his best, danced with all he's got and rapped with everything in him. He even git a part time job which he also worked hard in. There was a driving him to do those. Making him work hard until he couldn't take it.

Don't even get me started on that awfully familiar-looking ring on Sky's finger and those stares she's been giving him for the last few minutes. I'm going to find out what is the connection between them. I would.

"So I'll work everyday,
through the sun, and the rain,
until I can afford it.

I'm not perfect
but I swear I'm perfect for you"


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