viii. devastation

Start from the beginning

   Haven, seeing that the two were now together, moved to stand in between Edward and Emmett. She had a gut feeling that Bella's husband would be the first her imprint would lunge for once he noticed the protruding belly of his best friend. Haven couldn't have him wreaking violence in this house.

   "Well," Jacob began with a small smile on his face, oblivious to a lot of what was around him. "You look terrible."

   "Yeah, it's nice to see you too."

   Jacob searched for Haven with his eyes and sent her a questioning glance. Although Bella didn't seem all that well, he didn't notice anything that he wouldn't have believed from his imprint. Haven simply held his gaze, waiting for what was about to happen.

   The wolf turned back to Bella. "So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?"

   Bella let out a small sigh, not positive if this was the right time to reveal. She supposed that was a part of Haven's plan, trying to provoke emotion out of her and Jacob – therefore hopefully making the doe eyed girl change her mind. "Rose, you wanna help me up?"

   As the girl stood up and the blanket that was draped across her lap fell off, the pregnant belly of Bella was revealed. Jacob stood up and his eyes didn't move off it once. Haven watched as his face started to slowly morph into one of anger.

   "You did this," Jacob practically growled the words out as he stepped around the couch to go for Edward. Emmett reached out and grabbed the wolf's shoulder before he could get there and Haven moved to stand in front of Edward, right in front of Jacob.

   Haven quickly grasped the boy's chin, making him look her way instead of focusing on Edward. Jacob's dark eyes met her own, his face instantly melting so he wasn't grimacing like before. "I told you that you wouldn't believe me, but you have to calm down. Getting angry is understandable, believe me, but this isn't Edward's fault."

   "We didn't know it was even possible," Carlisle added on to the huntress' words, although Haven didn't think Jacob was paying attention to anyone but her now. He was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down.

   Jacob moved his head out of Haven's grasp and grabbed Emmett's hand with his own, throwing it off his shoulder. He turned to face Carlisle, his face still stern in expression. "What is it?"

   "I'm not sure," Carlisle answered honestly, repeating the same thing he had told the others a few weeks ago. "Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the amniotic sac."

   "I can't see it either," Alice piped in to the conversation. "And I can't see Bella's future anymore."

   Haven winced at the truth being told again. She knew all this information, but the more people continued to speak it out loud the more real it was becoming for the huntress. The odds were all against Bella and yet the girl still refused to take everyone's rational advice.

   "We've been researching legends but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong and it's growing."

   As Carlisle spoke, Haven could see Edward grimacing in the corner of her eye. If she thought this was hurting her then she didn't even want to imagine what the vampire was going through.

   Jacob looked around the room at them all ludicrously, not sure how they hadn't stopped this. "Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!"

   "This is none of your business, dog."

   "If it's my business, then it's also his," Haven jumped in quickly to defend the boy she loved. It didn't matter that the two weren't as they always were, Haven was convinced they would always be a team and anyone talking badly about him was something she wouldn't stand for.

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