Chapter 33 Hi Dad

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Mark's POV

" Don't try something reckless Jane. " I said seriously. I knew Jane. She was so stubborn yet crazy . She could do anything that we couldn't expect.

" I won't. " She said as she gave me a little smile and closed the door. I sighed heavily as I leaned against the door. I closed my eyes as I sighed again .

" Hey . " I felt someone tapped my shoulder . I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jackson standing in front of me.

" Hey . " I replied as I stood up properly.

" What's wrong ? " Jackson asked as his eyebrows furrowed.

" Its ... Hmmmm ... Nothing  . " I replied as I rubbed the back of my neck . My eyes were looking everywhere but his eyes.  I didn't know what to do now . Maybe I should tell them about it . But if I do , I might get kill by them.

" Mark . " My name slipped out of his throat . I slowly looked at him and his expression was so serious.

" Tell me what happen . You have been acting so weird. " He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I sighed heavily , knowing I couldn't win this talk . He was my friend. My bestfriend . He knew everything about me. We were friend since we were in diapers.

" I made a big mistake . " I said slowly but loud enough for supernatural like us to hear.

" What mistake ? " He asked as he took one step forward towards me.

" I- I - " I hesitated to tell him.

" What mistake Mark ? " He snapped angrily.

" I told Jane's father about Taehyung . " The words slipped out of my throat immediately.

" You what ? " He asked , disbelieved.

" I told Jane's father about Taehyung . " I repeated the sentence.

" Why would you do that ? " He asked as he ran his finger through his hair.

" Because I want her back . She supposed to be mine. She supposed to be my mate. If I didn't get her , no one get her either. I know if I told her father about that bloodsucker , her father would do something to ruin their relationship. But I didn't expect for this . Yerin and his father are working together. " I yelled made everyone looked at us.

" You little punk . " Jimin said as he punched my face. He was about to punch me again but Jackson stopped him.

" Let me go Jackson . I want to rip his heart of his body . " He said as he struggled under Jackson's grasp.

" I'm sorry guys . I'm really sorry." I apologized to them.

" Nahhh its okay . At least you telling us the truth . " Jin said as he patted my shoulder.

" What the fuck hyung ! " Jimin said as he got out from Jackson's grasp.

Jin looked at him for awhile and then looked at me back.

" Do you know where they took them ? " He asked . I shook my head in return.

" I know nothing about the kidnap thing . I just told her father about him. " I replied as I kept my head low.

" Its okay . At least you are not one of them. " Jin said as he gave me a small smile. I just nodded in return.

" You're lucky that Jin hyung is here. If not , I would have rip your heart off your body . " He said and then walked away.

It has been 20 minutes since she got into the room and we heard nothing . I grew nervous as I walked around the room.

" What took her so long ? " Jhope asked as he stood up .

" I don't know. " I replied .

Suddenly , Jungkook stood up from her seat and then walked to the bathroom door. He leaned his ear to the door , trying to hear something.

" Shit . " I heard Jungkook cursed.

" What is it ? " Jimin asked as he stood up .

" She is drowning herself. " He replied as I could see fear in his eyes .

" What ? " All of us said in unison. Our eyes widened and we rushed to the door.

" Jane ! Jane ! " We tried to open the door but it locked.

" Fuck its locked. " Jimin cursed.

" Okay . On my count , 1 , 2 , 3"

Jane's POV

My body was shaking in fear . I saw him. I knew him. I really knew him. Nothing changed to him. He still looked the same. After a long time , I finally got to see him again.  My dad . He was sitting in the room . Talking with them .

Suddenly , the vision was wiped away from me and I was pulled out from the tub. Gasping for air , my body was shaking . Fear and cold overwhelming me. I was barely breathing .

" What the fuck Jane ? " I heard Jimin cursed as he pulled me into his arms.

" Jungkook take the towel . " He ordered Jungkook. Jungkook was about to grab the towel but Mark was faster than him.

" Here . " Mark said as he handed him the towel . Jimin took it and wrapped it around my body.

" Are you trying to kill yourself ?" Mark said as he knelt down beside me.

I couldn't reply to his answer because my mouth was numb.

" Shit . She is freezing . " Mark said as he ran his finger through his hair.

Jimin immediately swiped me off my feet and carrying me out of the bathroom. He laid me down on my bed and then sat beside me. He pulled the duvet up to my chest and the hugged me.

I hugged him back , as I shivering. I tried to say something to him but I couldn't.

I looked at to him and cleared my throat .

" I- I know . " I said slowly.

" What did you said ? " Jimin asked as he leaned closer to me.

" I know. " I said again.

" What do you know ? " He asked me back as his eyebrows furrowed.

" I know where are they ."

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