"Course I did," I promised. "It's ok if you didn't-"

"Kat," he groaned, and I could practically see his eyes roll even whilst closed. "Love you, ok?"

I nodded, smiling a little. "Ok,"


I didn't expect to sleep at all that night but hearing Hunter say those simple words just sent me off. Even though my dream involved John standing at the foot of the bed and sent me jolting up at 5 in the morning, seeing Hunter sleeping peacefully at my side was enough to calm me down.

I'd seen pictures of John before and he scared me. He was tall, taller than Chris, and he had too many similarities to Hunter for my liking. They had the same green eyes, even though John's were filled with hate whilst Hunter's were filled with hurt. They had the same shade of pitch black hair, the same ivory skin and the same facial features.

I couldn't imagine how hard that was for Hunter. He had a hard time facing himself in the mirror anyway.

"What you thinking?"

"Dunno," i murmured; staring blankly into Hunter's eyes as he did with mine. "What about you?"




"What about me?"

"You helped me last night," he explained. "Thought Dad..John. Thought John was here. Felt like he was. And you just made it go away. That's never happened before,"

"Just wanted you to be ok," i admitted. "Hate seeing you like that. I dunno what to do. I just..I'm just so happy you're ok now,"

"I'm ok," he confirmed. "Scared though. But ok,"

"That's good," I smiled. "Do you want a shower? Might make you feel better,"

"You gonna come in?"

"Wouldn't be a proper shower if I didn't,"


Chris didn't need to be told that Hunter had cut himself, he already knew. After giving Hunter an endless lecture, he hugged him and really, that seemed to make it better. Chris was on edge, and my Mom never being around was adding to his stress. He'd been on the phone most of the night, and he looked like death. 

Me and Hunter decided not to tell him about last night, not wanting to cause him any more pain.

"It was him," Chris murmured as we sat down at the kitchen table. He looked at me, then at Hunter, his eyes staying there. "John's in Alaska,"

I nodded, my hand tightening around Hunter's. "And?"

"He's got Dr Wiles,"

"What the fuck?"

"I don't know, no one does." Chris admitted. "The last John was seen, he was driving a car with Wiles in the passenger seat."

"You think he's trying to use him to get to Hunter?"

"All Wiles had was those files. That's all he knows about Hunter. John can't get any more information out of him because he doesn't have it,"

"Can you stop talking about it like I'm not here?" Hunter muttered, eyes angry. 

"Hunter, I don't know how to talk about it without upsetting you."

"I'm upset anyway. Just say it,"


"Just say that he's coming to find me, I already know it."

"He might not-"

Love Like A Delinquent (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now