Cole x Reader - The Sweetest Cake

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It was a lazy afternoon and you were chilling on your bed--which was in the ninjas' home since you moved in with them a few months ago--reading a random book you had borrowed from the library on impulse. The story was actually quite boring, so when your stomach emitted a low growl of hunger, you were more than happy to toss the book down on the blankets and get up in search of a snack.

When you entered the kitchen, you were surprised to see that Cole was already in there, focusing on a recipe book on the counter in front of him. You spotted several ingredients placed on the table, such as eggs, flour, and sugar. You remembered the black ninja's fondness for cake and you smiled to yourself upon the realization of what he was doing.

"Hello Cole!" you greeted him warmly. He gave a little yelp of surprise and turned around to face you.

"[Y/N]! I didn't see you there," he said as he attempted to compose himself.

"You baking a cake?" you asked. Your heart warmed at how cute he was when he was flustered; he usually seemed so tough on the outside, but you knew he was a lot sweeter than he looked at first glance.

"I sure am," Cole responded, returning the smile. "I just hope it's good enough..."

You understood how sensitive Cole could be about his cooking, so you politely offered, "I could help if you want."

Cole seemed to ponder this for a while before he finally responded, "Sure, that would probably be best. I want this to be the sweetest cake in the world."

"That's an admirable goal," you giggled.

And so, the two of you began making a cake together. To begin, Cole tried to open a bag of flour... and white powder exploded out all over him. You coughed as flour settled around you like snow.

"I should have worn an apron," Cole groaned, looking down in dismay at his formerly black shirt that was now covered in white.

"Don't worry!" you assured him, brushing some of the flour off his shirt with your hands. He allowed you to do this, although you thought you saw a hint of pink on his cheeks.

Next, you opened the bag of sugar (which thankfully didn't cause another messy disaster) and poured the required amount into a bowl, making sure to follow the recipe carefully.

Cole eyed the sugar in the bowl. "I don't think that's enough," he remarked. Before you could stop him, he picked up the bag of sugar again and poured in a whole bunch more.

"Uhhh I think that's plenty!" you said. You wondered how the finished cake would taste now.

You continued to help Cole measure and mix the ingredients, and soon you ended up with a nice, smooth batter. Cole scraped it into the cake tin with a wooden spoon, and then it was all ready to cook.

"It should take about half an hour to cook," you said as you put it in the oven. You stomach growled again, and you hoped Cole didn't hear it. You could hardly wait for the cake to finish baking; you were starving!

"I can't wait!" Cole exclaimed with a grin, although you picked up anxiousness in his voice. You felt concerned for Cole and wondered if something was wrong. You decided to talk to him to pass the time and to possibly find out what was bothering him.

"Cole, how are you today?" you asked casually. Cole, who was now leaning on the counter, looked at you.

"I'm great," he responded, grinning. However, he still looked distracted somehow.

"What are the others up to?" you questioned.

"I got a really, really high score in a video game and challenged them all to beat it," Cole laughed. "They're still trying."

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