Sinking Down, Rising Up

Start from the beginning

"I'm not fragile, stop being so gentle with me."

The wolves surrounding us whistled at my coment and the wolf tightened his grip, his hips pistoning against me as he battered my prostate mercilessly.
Biting back a moan, I forced myself to focus on Jason.

"So, when are we doing this?"

"You're not ready."

"Or maybe you're the one that's not ready . . . maybe even with a new pack behind you you're still the same loser who couldn't beat Kyle you always were."

I smirked at him as his eyes narrowed angrily and the others backed off nervously.

"Don't push us, Luna Whore, remember your place."

"Until Kyle is brought down, I have no place. Just like you and your pack . . . why are you hesitating?"

Jason looked like he was deep in thought about something an I grinned cruelly when I saw hesitation mixed with the determination in his eyes.

"Two days. We'll let you train and then we'll kill your pathetic mate and the pack that supports him."

Lifting my arms as the wolf inside me found release, triggering my own orgasm, I wrapped them around his neck as tightly as I could, laughing maniacally a he struggled to breathe. When he started to fall limp against me, I released him and he dropped to the ground, crawling away as slid from the bed and rose to my feet.

"This is going to be fun."

Joel's pov

What's going on? Ever since I left the packhouse . . . it feels like there's a tension in the air. I asked mom what's wrong, but she just shook her head and refused to look me in the eyes before gently closing the door in my face . Devlin wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me against his chest.

"Something's wrong."

"Do you want to stay?"

Turning, I cupped his cheek with a gentle hand, smiling at him sadly.

"I want to go home. This pack is no longer where I belong and the longer I stay here, the longer I'll fool myself into believing things will ever go back to what they were."


Quickly packing, I turned to Dillon and our eyes connected when we realized the same thing.

"Devlin, I'll be right back."

He nodded, studying me as I lifted Zoe into my arms and made my way across the hall and knocked on the door.

"Mom, I know you're hurt and angry about what Joey did to me and I know you're afraid to get close to Zoe because you don't want to let Joey back into your life right now, but she needs you. I can't take her with me, but I can't stay here, mom . . . please don't let an innocent pup be hurt just to get back at Joey. "

The door creaked open and mom stood in the doorway."

"I can't take her, Joel. I can't tell you what's happening, but this pack is falling apart and I can't have my grandchildren in the middle of it. I know it's against pack laws, but I want you to take Zoe and run . . . I'll go to the Elders and take full responsibility, just take her and leave now."


"You know you could be labeled as a traitor to this pack and killed, right?"

We turned to see Devlin and Dillon approaching us and mom quickly nodded, walking over to Devlin and pulling him into an unexpected hug.

"I've failed my boys so much while they were growing up. Even now both of my sons have been led to believe that I hate them. If . . . If my dying will allow my family to be safe, then I would be more than happy to
lose my life. Just promise me that you'll take care of my baby and his babies."

Hugging her back, Devlin let his eyes meet mine.

"With my life."

"Good, now go. I'll bring Zoe out in a basket so none will be suspicious."


"And Joel once you take her away from here, don't bring her back."

I nodded, wiping tears from my eyes, the feeling that I would never see my mom again making my heart clench painfully.

Devlin immediately released my mom and pulled me into a hug instantly soothing me.

"I'll be with you, Joel you're not alone."

I nodded and let him lead me to the car and we settled the pups into their seats, leaving an empty one for Zoe, before loading our luggage. A few minutes later mom came out holding a basket of "food" so we wouldn't get hungry on the trip and we were in the car and on our way. Ad we pulled out of the gravel driveway, I couldn't help but look for Joey, a shiver of unease going through me when I noticed Kyle smirking at me when I met his gaze and I prayed that the Elders would agree to grant my brother his freedom before something terrible happened.

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