The Trip part 1

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I was Niall Horan's girlfriend for 5 years and we loved each other with all our harts. It was Thursday morning, I had to go to college and Niall had to go to the studio. When we both woke up from the alarm clock, we groaned. Niall hid his head in my neck and mumbled ''Good morning beautiful'' with his tired deep voice. ''morning sleepyhead'' I said while cuddling closer to him.

This was our strategy, our alarm clock went off 15 minutes before we actually had to get up. So we could put it on snooze and cuddle for a little longer. Slowly Niall pulled away from my neck, and I missed the warm that his head give me, and pulled me onto his chest. It was warm and soft as always. He played with my hair, and I loved it.''hey, princess, can I ask you something?'' ''always'' I said lifting my head. ''how do you feel if we would go to a family reunion together. just us two and all the Horans'' he asked.

We both had next week off. I smiled. I loved hanging out with his family. they were so sweet. ''Sure. i'd loved that'' I said happily. Then we both lay together like before until it was time to get up. We did both our morning routines and left.

It was Saturday morning. Everything was ready, the suitcases were packed. Only I wasn't ready. My sleep time clock wasn't equal with the time we wanted to leave. you see,during the week I wake up at 6.45, but during the weekend I leave that behind me and sleep with ease till 2 pm. ''Wake up,wake up buttercup. We're going to see my family remember'' Niall said But I just turned over and pulled the blanket over my head groaning. I heard Niall laughing.

Then he pulled my warm, cuddly blanket away. and again I groaned. Then someone started tickling me. I laughed really loud. ''You wanna get up now'' he asked also laughing ''NEVER!! hahahaha'' I said half laughing. after about 10sec later I gave in'' ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! i'm getting up'' he finally stopped. I quickly jumped out of our bed and got dressed. ''there, happy?' I said still a bit laughing from the tickle attack.

Niall slowly got up and walked to me till our noses touched. ''every time i'm with you'' he said right before he kissed me. After we pulled away, he got his clothes and also got dressed. We quickly had breakfast. because Niall didn't want any attention we went with the car. It was an 8 hour trip. Which also included a boat trip. I didn't really mind. It was always fun with Niall on a trip. He always made me laugh with the silliest things. But the weather wasn't fun.

The rain was pouring down, and the thunder was making me shiver every minute. I was scared to death of this heavy weather, and Niall knew it. He hold my hand tightly sometimes giving it a reassuring squeeze. Sometimes he looked at me to see if I was okay and gave me a small smile. It wasn't much but it comforted me. The road was empty. Our car was almost the only one. We were really fast at the river because there wasn't any traffic.

The weather calmed down. And I could now breathe. But due the rainfall the river was too high and the current was too strong. We couldn't cross it. we needed to wait a day. Niall was pretty upset with this because he wanted to see his family tonight. This time I tried to calm him down and said we could stay a little longer. This brought a smile to his face and said ''I love you''. it's funny how you know someone for so long but still fill your stomach with butterflies when he says i love you. I said without doubt ''I love you too''. which caused that both of us smiled like a madman. but we couldn't care less.

When we finally found a hotel I said '' Niall, you can stay in the car while I get a room, you didn't want anyone to recognize you. So when I got a room you can quickly go up.'' ''Fine'' he pulled his wallet but I put my hands over it '' you know I make my own money right?'' I said half laughing ''I don't care, I wanna pay'' he says pouting. with that I kissed his nose and shut the door. Walking towards the door of the hotel.

No-one was in the lobby so it was easy to get a room. we got a room on the 6th floor. I paid, got the keys and left for Niall. I walked to the car and peeked my head through the door. ''okay, got a room. you coming?'' ''yeah'' he got out of his seat, walked to the trunk and got the backs. I was about to grab my suitcase. But Niall was too quick.''If you payed than I need to do something to repay you'' he said with a smirk. I just laughed. he put the bags down and locked the car. cautiously watching me to not touch the bags. I just put my hands in the air and walked slowly back from the bags. He smiled at my goofiness and grabbed the bags once again. when we were at the door I hold it open for him. We went to the elevator and then to our rooms.

Once we were in our room. the clouds broke and it started raining and thundering even harder than before, which I thought was impossible. Niall went to the bathroom to call his family that he came a bit later. I tried to be brave but when I counted that the thunder was half a second away I crawled under the blanket trying to block everything out.

I heard the bathroom door open, then some sliding noise. I felt some pressure next to me. It was Niall. He slowly took off my jeans and shirt, he handed me a pj. He stripped down to his boxers and crawled next to me. The light was somehow dimmed. The curtains were closed, so that was the sliding noise. I couldn't see the rain but I still saw the lighting flash and heard the hard sound of the thunder. I crawled into Nialls chest, the safest place on earth.

''My mom said it's okay that we come a little later, she rather has that then that we both drown'' he said with a Small chuckle, trying to get my mind off the weather. He did this always. Remove every evidence from the weather and talk to me about random stuff. ''What about your cousins, nieces, dad. Everyone else'' ''I think they are cool with it too. Shall we watch some TV to get my lovely princess's mind off things'' I laughed a bit over this. He was so adorable. ''We shall, What do you wanna watch?'' ''whatever makes you smile'' he said cheekily.

Eventually we ended watching Austin&Ally on Disney channel. He didn't even laugh at you. he just watched interested and laughed at the right moments. Everything was perfect until lighting struck and the electricity went out. You let out a small squeal. One thing you were more afraid of than thunder is the dark. The funny thing is you couldn't sleep if there were any light on.

Niall stood up, and all you safeness was gone. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it. causing a light to shine in the room. He walked to your bed and grabbed his clothes that were lying on the floor. ''I'll be right back, I'm just gonna look if the electricity is going on anytime soon. Here keep this with you'' he handed you his phone. 'NO!! don't go. just wait one sec.'' I stand up and grabbed my clothes and put them on. ''ready?'' he asked sweetly. ''yeah'' Niall grabbed my hand tightly.

We then walked out of our room, the hallway was only lighted by Nialls phone. We took the stairs which looked very scary. It was as if Niall knew and he grabbed my waist to pull me into his side, as close as possible to still walk.

When we reached the lobby, there was no-one there. okay, i'm felling obnoxious. We heard a sound behind us. Niall turned around and put me behind his back in less than a second. aw how sweet, he wants to protect me. I thought. It was the receptionist, I recognized him from when I booked us a room. ''What's going on? why are the lights not yet on?'' Niall asked as he still hold me tightly behind him. ''I'm so sorry sir. But the lightning struck into our hotel. We don't have the parts to fix it. we get tomorrow new ones. So tonight you need to be in the dark, I'm so so sorry sir'' Niall just huffed. '' thank you'' I said which scared the man a bit. Niall grabbed my hands once more and walked back to our room.

Once again Niall stripped down to his boxers and I to pj's. we went back to bed and cuddled. Niall just stroking my hair and humming some songs. I completely calmed down and snuggled deeper into his chest as possible. After a while I fell asleep, feeling completely safe in Nialls arms.

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