Hamilton Just Can't

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      The wind is strong, blowing my hair. Luckily the heavy blue coat keeps me warm; the boat bobs up and down as we head across the river to a British fort. The night is cold, we are ask to change so we don't look like rebels. I decide I will not risk my life today, hopefully.
    I smile, it's looks as if no ones at the fort. Good, maybe if everything goes well it'd be a swift process. We near the fort, they ask me to get out to anchor the boat.
    I jump into the freezing cold water, it's about a foot tall. The waves crash against my legs, they are strong, almost knocking me down. I anchor the boat down, and pull it closer to the shore.  We sneak to the fort, attempting to be quiet but we chuckle every once in awhile.
    Someone runs ahead of us, carrying a torch. We follow, there's some barns which stores some food and materials. Our goal is burn most of them, so we can get a lead. The barns is about 100 feet away until we hear some gunshots.
   I look behind me, but I see no one. No ones there, "Maybe they are just messing around?" I whisper.
   They nod in agreement, we quicken our pace. Running faster, once we reach the first to burn. We torch it, setting it aflame. The fire blazes, I see a small piece of wood and decide to get my own torch. Once I did I run ahead, setting the third and final one aflame.
     Then I hear shouting and gunshots, shit. I know we are in trouble. I hear the others run, they're are probably going to leave me. I run as fast as I could dropping the torch on the next barn, I breathe heavily. Gunshots fly by me, I will not die. I keep running until I get to the shore, though I don't see the boat anywhere.
   I make the executive decision to swim across the large river. It's better to swim then die.

Third Person Point Of View

   The men make it across shore, shaking. All of them are in pain, and they breathe heavily. They make their way to Washington's cabin, knowing they must tell him the awful news.
    They walk in, covered in sweat and tears. One is wounded, but only got grazed by bullet so he should be ok.
"Gen-er-al W-Washington?" one of the men say.
   The general looks behind him, seeing the small group of men, "Yes?"
"Hamilton. I believe he was fatally shot at which ended his earthly career early." The man says.
    Washington looks down, he treated Hamilton like a son and friend. Tears form in his eyes, but he knows there's nothing he can do now. Only God has his idea for the young, now dead man.
   He sits down in his chair, allowing the other man to enjoy a few hours in the warm house. He evaluates his life, wondering if he could have down anything to protect the man. He couldn't of, he knows that if he told Hamilton not to go, he would've went anyway.
    They mourn for a few hours then the door swings open, they only see a shadow that gets illuminated by lightning.

     He continues to swim until he sees the land, he carries his body up to the beach. Crying, feeling blessed be made it up here. He lays on the sand, holding himself. He looks up to the stars, admiring their beauty.
   He gets up walking to the camp, knowing it'll just be a few more miles till he see everyone again. His reddish-brown hair is out its ponytail, it frames his face which strong features rest upon. He nose and cheeks are sprinkled with freckles, his face is a light pink for all the exercise he did.
    Luckily for his amazing endurance, he made it to the camp unharmed. It's about 4 in the morning, you could tell by looking at the moon and where it's positioned. He walks silently through the camp, trying not to wake everyone up. Though fails miserably when he trips and falls into mud, causing him to get dirtier than he already was.
    He wipes himself off a little before heading towards Washington's cabin. He makes his way towards the cabin, and swings the door open. Lightning illuminates his body, he hears screams and shouting. He walks in, notice fear in everyone's eyes.
"What?" He says, nonchalantly.
    They all relax a little bit, "We thought you died?" Frederick says, questioning himself.
   Alexander glares at the men, "Well I would have but I swam and walked here. I wouldn't of had to endure that if it wasn't for the fact that you abandoned me."
    They all look down, then leaves. Both Washington and Hamilton glares at the men as they exit. Alexander would sit down, but he didn't want to dirty the furniture.
"I should go clean up and get some rest. Bye, sir." Alexander says as he leaves.
    Alexander heads to a small river and undresses. He rinses himself off, running his hands through his hairs and along his body. He cleans up then gets out, the longs blades of grass shields his body. He dresses from the waist down in the clothes from before. He sits in front of the river for a bit watching the sun rise.
     He gets up, making his way to washing quarters and gave the ladies his shirt, vest, and coat to wash. He feels the women, some young and some old, stare at his damp body. He throws his hair into a low ponytail with a piece of blue ribbon.
    He walks to the cabin in which he and John Laurens stays at. He walks in, he feels his friend's eyes stare at him, just like the ladies. He changes into new breeches, and throws on a shirt. He then tucks it in, then buckles his breeches. He puts on his vest, buttoning every golden button. He puts on his socks then boots.
"I heard about what happened." Laurens says chuckling.
"Oh really?" Alexander says, turning behind.
"Yes, now you can't make fun me for hitting head on the ceiling." Laurens replies.
   Alexander rolls his eyes and he puts his coat on, "We best head out."


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