Chapter twelve

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Me: helloooo and welcome back to-
Lucy: does anyone have anything to say?
Natsu: not me!
Me: me two!
Wendy: me three!
Lucy: Mira?
Me: o..k......
Natsu: normal...
Lucy: it is.
Wendy: can we start?
Me: yes, let's start.


I look around the dark room trying to find who said that. Natsu lights his hand on fire to try and improve our vision. Only, the blackness seems to grow stronger when Natsu moves his fire near it.
"Who said that?" I ask out loud.
"Me." The voice says.
"Really?" Melody says sarcastically.
"But who's 'me'?" Natsu asks.
"I'll show you." The voice says.

The darkness lifts and I can finally see. The room is much like the first library room. Dark brow with blue markings. A loud flapping noise is heard above us. Happy flies down and hides behind Natsu and I. The thing that made the flapping noise lands. I look at it.
"On my're a dragon." I say.

The dragon was a silver colour with large silver wings.
"Yes, I am." It says. It starts glowing white and turns into a human. She has mid-back length, straight white hair. Her eyes are a hazel colour. She's wearing a simple white dress that does down to her knees.
"Are you related to Lucas?" Natsu asks. For once, he's thinking the same thing as I am. She has the same features as Lucas other than the werewolf part.
"Who's Lucas?" She asks.
"Never mind him." Melody says. "Who are you?"
"I am Cassie Reali, and I am the dragon queen." Cassie says.

"Why are you here?" I ask.
"I'm here to help you defeat Zayn." Cassie says.
"How do we do that?" Natsu asks. "Other than beat the sh-"
"NO SWEARING! BAD BOY!" Melody says as she hits him with a newspaper, that I assume she summoned.
"AAH! Sor..ry!" Natsu apologises. Melody stops hitting him and walks away. Cassie giggles a little.
"Anyway, there are two ways to defeat Zayn." Cassie explains. "One, use his past against him. Or, you combine your powers together."
"Like a unison raid?" I ask.
"Yes, except the power needed is so great, that one of you could die." Cassie says.
"I WON'T LET ANYONE DIE!" Natsu yells.
"I figured you wouldn't, but option one isn't guaranteed success, option two does."Cassie says. "Just be warned."
"Thank you Cassie." Melody and I say.
"Yeah, thanks." Natsu says. Cassie turns back into a dragon and flies away.

"How do we get ou-oh, a door." Melody says as she runs to a wooden door. We follow her and she opens the door. We arrive in the room that we first entered.
"Really, we could've just found this door and be done with it." I say annoyed.
"But that takes all the fun out of it." Natsu says. Happy passes Nashi to me and we leave the building.

We meet everyone back at the ship.
"Find anything?" Erza asks us.
"Yes...." Melody says and she starts to explain to Erza what we found.
"Lu!" Levy says as she runs up to me.
"Hi Levy!" I say.
"Did you guys find anything?" Gajeel asks as he's standing next to Levy.
"Yes! We found a dragon!" Natsu says excitedly.
"Da...gon." Nashi says.
"Awwwwww." Levy and I coo.
"We found a dragon too." Gajeel says.
"Did yours tell you the two ways to defeat Zayn?" I ask.
"Yes, how did you know?" Levy says.
"Because that's what ours said." I say.
"Oh..." Levy says.

We board the ship and set sail to Flamekey village. It was about two weeks away. I sit on my bed with Nashi. She grabs my finger and stares at it intently.
"M....m...." Nashi tries to say something.
"What is it Nashi?" I ask her.
"Mama!" She says. I gasp.
"NATSU!" I yell. I hug Nashi. Natsu comes running into the room.
"What is it?!" He asks worriedly.
"Mama!" Nashi says. Natsu's eyes widen.
"She just said..." He says with a tear in his eye. I nod my head with tears in my eye.
"She's growing at a slightly quicker rate than other babies." I say.
"Mama..." Nashi says as she hugs me. Natsu comes over and hugs us both.

About three days later, I'm awoken from my sleep by a screaming Levy. Knowing what's happened, I'm up instantly and changing. Natsu gets up and grabs Nashi. We then run out to find Levy.

We find her in her room. She's laying on the bed with Gajeel holding her hand. Melody's already here. Natsu takes Nashi outside and I force Gajeel outside. Soon, Aurelia and Lucas arrive. Why Lucas and Melody didn't arrive at the same time, I don't know. I sit beside Levy and hold her hand. Melody and Aurelia focus on getting the baby out of her. And Lucas, went to see if we had any small trees.

"3,2,1, push." Melody says.
"AAAAAAAH!" Levy screams as she pushes the baby.
"Come on Levy." I encourage her.
"One more, 3,2,1, push." Aurelia says.
"OWWWW!" I scream as Levy nearly breaks my hand.
"Waaaah!" A baby cries. Melody holds up a baby boy. He has red eyes and powder blue hair.
"He's beautiful." Levy says as she takes him from Melody.
"You have a few minutes rest, the others will be here soon." Melody says.

"OTHERS!?" Levy and I both half yell.
"Yeah, she's having triplets." Melody says. Levy groans in annoyance.
"Don't worry, having multiple babies isn't that much different from having one, or so I've heard." Aurelia says.

About an hour later, the babies were born. Levy had had two girls and a boy. One girl had black hair and light yellow-green eyes. The other girl had red eyes and powder blue hair.
"What are you going to call them?" I ask Levy while we wait for Gajeel to come in.
"Well, we'd come up with a boy and girl name, but only one for each." Levy says.
"You should've done what I did, think of 33 names for each gender." I say making Levy giggle. "So, what were the names?"
"They were Lea and Gale." Levy says.

Gajeel and Natsu walk in. Gajeel stares at his family with a tear in his eye.
"Three....?" Natsu asks as he sits next to me with Nashi.
"It's been a long night..." I say as I rest my head on his shoulder. He leans his head on my head and I close my eyes.
"What do you want to call them?" I hear Gajeel ask.
"Well, I want the boy to be Gale." Levy says. "And one of the girls should be called Lea."
"Let's name the light blue haired ones that." Gajeel says."and the other one shall be called.....Gabriella."
"Yes...." Whatever Levy says after that I don't hear because I fell asleep.

I wake up in Natsu's arms. He carrying me bridal style with Nashi balancing in my lap. I yawn and Natsu looks at me.
"Go back to sleep Luce." He says. I lean my head against his chest.
"But I'm not tired." I lie.
"Fine." He says.

After several minutes pause Natsu says.
"Luce, I want another one." I blush.
"A-Another one of what?" I say.
"Another child." He says. I blush harder.
"M-Maybe when this is all over." I say. What did I just do?
"YEAH!" Natsu says excitedly.
"SHUSH!" I say, my face now brighter than Erza's hair.

Four days later I wake up laying on Natsu. Nashi beside us. He has his arms around me, making sure I can't escape.
"WE'RE HERE!" Erza's voice echoes throughout the ship. I try to break free from Natsu's grip but he only holds me tighter.
"Mine." He says making me blush.
"W-We gotta go." I say.
"No we don't." He says.
"Yes we do." I say.
"Papa!" Nashi says. Natsu lets me go and we both hug Nashi.
"Her second word..." I say crying.

We get off the ship at the village. The village houses were golden with flame patterns engraved on them. The paths had golden key patterns on them. We split up again. This time it was Natsu, Melody and I. Erza, Jellal and Aurelia. Gray, Juvia and Lucas. Levy and Gajeel were staying with Happy and the kids. We walk to a sensible location, the blacksmith.

Natsu knocks on the door. It opens on its own.
"That's strange...." Melody says as we walk inside.


Me: and done.
Nalu: 0//////////0
Wendy: I can't hold it in anymore......I SHIP IT SOO HARD!
Me: what have I done?
Lucy: I don't know....
Me: everyone say bye.
Mira: WHAT!? NO!
Everyone except Mira: byieeee

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