Everything seemed to drown out as they stood together, and for the first time in a while, she felt like a reckless teenager again. For those first few minutes, she felt free of any worries. So free, in fact, that she didn't notice the group of her old friends running around frantically, carrying out passed out werewolves. She didn't notice them dropping in the first place. The only thing that was able to free her from her trance was Nina pulling her away from Giselle, leaving a frown on her face.

"We have to hide!" Nina shouts, tugging on her arm violently. "NOW!"

"Why? What's going on?!" Carmen screams over the music, sending Giselle a sad smile as she was forced away from her. Before Nina can speak, the music cuts off and the room is enveloped  by the two chilling screams that make everyone in the room freeze.

"GET. OUT!" 

Carmen's eyes go wide as she immediately identifies the shout as Derek's, her bones chilling. Her head slowly crooks as she looks over to him by the DJ booth, which had been destroyed by him. His nose flared angrily and his chest rose heavily as he watched as people began to pour out of the room. But Carmen was frozen.

"What is he doing here," She whispered, her eyebrows furrowing. "I thought-"

"WE HAVE TO HIDE, CARMEN." Nina shakes her out of her trance, running off with her. They charge towards the corner of the room and Nina begins to expertly climb a pillar leading up to the ceiling, where pipes thick enough to crawl were. Nina grabbed hold of Carmen's hand and helped her up, shimmying across the beams so that they had a full view of the room from up high.

"Put this on," Nina whispered, shaking off her jacket and giving it to Carmen. "The paint might attract their attention."

"Where's Rhi? Who's attention?" Carmen sputtered in confusion. Nina raises a dismisses finger and points at the scene, both their eyes going wide.

Aiden carried a loopy Lydia away, following behind all of the others evacuating from the room. Derek, Allison, Scott, Isaac, Ethan, and Kira all stood their ground on one side of the room, and on the other side stood 4 black figures.

The Oni.

"Guys?" Ethan called timidly, "They're all looking at me. Why are they looking at me?"

One of the figures shifted it's head slowly in the direction of Carmen and Nina, its yellow eyes boring into theirs. As the others began to walk in the direction of Ethan, the one stays still, staring at them. Carmen clings to Nina in fear.

"Why is it looking at us?"

"I don't know, but it better stop before it gives us away," Nina growls. As if the thing heard her, it turns around and begins walking with the other Oni. 

Scott growls and charges for one, but it immediately slams him to the ground. The entire pack begins to battle as a chain reaction. Every swipe of claws from the pack was useless against the Oni. Carmen felt the corners of her lips turn up slightly as she watches their efforts. Derek slapped one extremely hard, sending its head to turn a complete 90. For a second, everyone thought that he had snapped its neck and defeated it. Until, that is, it whipped its head back forward and whipped Derek into the pillar to the side, letting him fall to the ground.

Black cloud-like wisps trailed after the Oni with every move they made, supporting Nina's description. After a minute or so of fighting, the group was all on the ground, coughing and wheezing. The Oni began walking towards Ethan again, but Isaac walked into the spotlight, extracting his nails. 

"Oh, I wanna see this," Carmen whispered under her breath with a smirk.

Upon noticing his presence, all of the Oni turn his direction. The one closest to Isaac reaches its hands up to its chest and begins to retract a long, sharp sword. The cousins go short of breath as with each passing second, a new ability of the Oni is revealed.

The Oni begins swinging its sword in various directions and doing tricks with it, only intimidating Isaac. He slowly begins to back up, causing Carmen to roll her eyes. The other 3 Oni grab hold of Ethan, examining him. Everyone in the room is completely silent as they watch the scene before them unfold.

A single Oni swipes a finger behind Ethan's ear, causing him to collapse onto the ground. And before anyone can do anything about it, the Oni begin to crumble to dust under the newfound sunlight shining through the window.

When they're completely gone, deteriorated from the beams, Isaac turns to Allison with a clenched jaw.

"Your dad's 24 hours are up."

「This chapter was actual shit and I'm very sorry」

「Thank you guys so so much for 5k!」

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