10 ways to get followers on wattpad

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Don't take this seriously its a joke guys but here we go

10. Have a account on wattpad, you should know that tho
9. Have a book that readers are interested in, no books about the rock u found on the side of the road I don't think that will get u follows
8. Spam follow, just follow everybody and hope they follow back, I know a lot of people do it and they have like 2 k followers with no books
7. Have a cool name and an awesome description, that always help people to click on your profile
6. Get a shout out
5. Get tagged, a lot
4. Aphmau or any anime really
3.rp, just rp with a lot of people
2. Be you
1.be active and read books follow people and all of the above

So that was a jokr well some of them do work like have good story's but things like have an account are jokes this was made for a good old laugh/ chuckle nothing more but I hope u like it


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