all about dysgraphia

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So a lot of people don't know what dysgraphia is, so when I tell them I have dysgraphia there like, "wtf is that?" Well I want to explain to y'all what it is.(also I bat half of y'all won't read the whole thing)

What is dysgraphia:
Dysgraphia is the inability to write coherently as a symptom of drain disease or damage, in my case its a brain disease like ADHD

If u don't understand that 👆 up there then here's another way of putting it, the inability to write and spell properly.

Or maybe this one will help more have fun reading this: Dysgraphia is a condition that causes trouble with written expression. The term comes from the Greek words dys("impaired") and graphia ("making letter forms by hand"). Dysgraphia is a brain-based issue. It's not the result of a child being lazy.

For many people with dysgraphia, just holding a pencil and organizing letters on a line is difficult. Their handwriting tends to be messy. Many struggle with spelling and putting thoughts on paper. These and other writing tasks-like putting ideas into language that is organized, stored and then retrieved from memory-may all add to struggles with written expression.

Thank god for my phone having a button where all I have to do is speak and it will write for me.

How common is dysgraphia:

Dysgraphia is not a familiar term. But symptoms of dysgraphia are not uncommon, especially in young children who are starting to learn how to write. If a child continues to struggle with writing despite plenty of practice and corrective feedback, it's a good idea to take a closer look to see whether dysgraphia is an underlying cause.

What cause dysgraphia:

Experts aren't sure what causes dysgraphia and other issues of written expression. Normally, the brain takes in information through the senses and stores it to use later. Before a person starts writing, he retrieves information from his short- or long-term memory and gets organized to begin writing.

In a person with dysgraphia, experts believe one or both of the next steps in the writing process go off track:

1.Organizing information that is stored in memory

2.Getting words onto paper by handwriting or typing them

This results in a written product that's hard to read and filled with errors. And most important, it does not convey what the child knows and what he intended to write.

Working memory may also play a role in dysgraphia. A person may have trouble with what's called "orthographic coding." This is the ability to store unfamiliar written words in the working memory. As a result, he or she may have a hard time remembering how to print or write a letter or a word.

There may also be a genetic link, with dysgraphia running in families.

What are symptoms of dysgraphia:

(Pls note not all kids have all the same symptoms and it could be different depending on the person)

The symptoms of dysgraphia fall into six categories: visual-spatial, fine motor, language processing, spelling/handwriting, grammar, and organization of language. A child may have dysgraphia if his writing skills lag behind those of his peers and he has at least some of these symptoms:

Visual-Spatial Difficulties

Has trouble with shape-discrimination and letter spacing

Has trouble organizing words on the page from left to right

Writes letters that go in all directions, and letters and words that run together on the page

Has a hard time writing on a line and inside margins

Has trouble reading maps, drawing or reproducing a shape (this is one thing I do not have trouble with)

Copies text slowly

Fine Motor Difficulties

Has trouble holding a pencil correctly, tracing, cutting food, tying shoes, doing puzzles, texting and keyboarding

Is unable to use scissors well or to color inside the lines(well I have no trouble with coloring inside lines scissors on the other hand -_-)

Holds his wrist, arm, body or paper in an awkward position when writing

Language Processing Issues

Has trouble getting ideas down on paper quickly

Has trouble understanding the rules of games(what are rules)

Has a hard time following directions

Loses his train of thought
(everyday for me)

Spelling Issues/Handwriting Issues

Has a hard time understanding spelling rules(wait there are spelling rules)

Has trouble telling if a word is misspelled (yep I think again is spelled agian because I can't tell if that is write or wrong)

Can spell correctly orally but makes spelling errors in writing

Spells words incorrectly and in many different ways

Has trouble using spell-check-and when he does, he doesn't recognize the correct word(never had trouble with that)

Mixes upper- and lowercase letters(if u are saying I mix :P with :p then yes if not then no)

Blends printing and cursive(ha teacher that's why my words are all a mix between print and cursive and u said I was putting wired letters on my paper)

Has trouble reading his own writing

Avoids writingGets a tired or cramped handed when he writes

Erases a lot(is it bad that its gotten to the point that I stop erasing

Grammar and Usage Problems

Doesn't know how to use punctuation(well I do)

Overuses commas and mixes up verb tenses

Doesn't start sentences with a capital letter(that I know I don't do well most of the time anyway)

Doesn't write in complete sentences but writes in a list format

Writes sentences that "run on forever"(to bad mine don't in on forever)

Organization of Written Language

Has trouble telling a story and may start in the middle

Leaves out important facts and details, or provides too much information

Assumes others know what he's talking about(wait do y'all not know what I'm talking about)

Uses vague descriptions

Writes jumbled sentences

Never gets to the point, or makes the same point over and over

Is better at conveying ideas when speaking( u think)

The symptoms of dysgraphia also vary depending on a child's age. Signs generally appear when children are first learning to write.

Preschool children may be hesitant to write and draw and say that they hate coloring (I love to color well now tell that to young me tho)

.School-age children may have illegible handwriting that can be mix of cursive and print. They may have trouble writing on a line and may print letters that are uneven in size and height. Some children also may need to say words out loud when writing or have trouble putting their thoughts on paper.

Teenagers may write in simple sentences. Their writing may have many more grammatical mistakes than the writing of other kids their age.

That's all I have to say about dysgraphia hope u found this a bit use full and if u read this whole thing wow just wow good job your the best. Also this has 1162 words.

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