Sounds Like A Plan

Start from the beginning

Just kill me.

From being under the blanket and covering my face with the pillow, I could still hear a little sigh come from James mouth.

Just hearing footsteps and the door closing, I assume my friend left.

Good. I just want to be alone.

Forever will I be alone.

Brad's P.O.V

I literally been stared at Con for a while now and I could honestly say, "What the fuck did I do!?"

His piercing blue eyes look like they are burning into me like he wants to kill me actually.

Wow. I feel so welcomed back.

James words kept replaying in my head though.

I don't get what?

Speaking of James now, he came back down to the living room now.

"Any luck?" his boyfriend asked him with a hint of hope in his voice.

"Nope. Not at all." his voice sounded like he just gave up.

He sighed.

Any luck on what?

"Any luck on what?" I now ask out loud.

"You know. Getting Tristan out of his room. Getting him back to his old self but he can't, you know why!? He's been depressed and don't start with why is he depressed, I should be the one because he hurt me crap!" James started yelling at me again.

"Well it's true!" I fired back at him.

"You hurt him! You made him think this is all his fault! You made him think no one with ever love him! You made him think he's a monster!...You made him cut himself. My friend squeaked out that last part.

The last part shocked me and crushed me in a way for some reason.

"Hurts doesn't it? Now he knows how he made me felt."

"But why? Why would he do that? He could've dealt with this not to hard like he is. He has Levi." I added on  with hurt being in my voice talking about fucking Levi.

"Tristan broke up with Levi. Turns out Levi has been cheating on him with Nate." my short Scottish friend then told me.

Finally Tris found out how Levi could be with his cheating ass ways!

Tristan deserves better.

Like you.

He doesn't need me. He hates me and he still hurt me.

"You know you still love him. Even though you think he hurt you, he loves you. Go after with him." Connor motivated me with a smile.

I do still love him.

I still want to be with him.

But how!?

You know how!

Then it hit me.

"I have a plan, but I need both your help." I informed my two friends.

"What's in it for us?" Jems questioned me with his brow raised.

"James, babe you can't just ask that." his other-half briefly stated.

"It's okay Con. Um, I'll plan a romantic date for you guys." I told my muscular friend and his boyfriend because that is literally all I could think of right now.

" Sounds good. Deal then." he grinned at me showing his smile.

I grinned at my two bestfriends standing before me.

Sounds like a plan.

...hope this works.


Brad still loves Tristan...omygod fuck yas! Do you think Tris will forgive him tho!? He better!... Just seeing Tris be like this makes me emotionally heartbroken!...

Although what do u think Brad plan is!?  WE NEED TO KNOW! Also I said on my last chapter...this would be my last chapter then my epilogue, but a beautiful, sweet person (Romy1510 ♡) said why not make another one and then the that's what I'm doing! Xx so close to the end tho :'(

Srsly kinda had a crappy day today  but writing this makes me feel better cuz I put my feelings in my chapters and it's for you beautiful people xx♡♡♡

I'm so excited for the next chapter!, we may or may not get the chapter 2marrow but we shall see ;) But I hope you guys liked this chapter xx Vote and comment if you liked it :D Byeee!  Love youuuu! ♡♡♡♡♡

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