Million Words

829 54 51

Tristan's P.O.V

The boys informed me that we are going to be practicing our music because we are going to perform at a Children's Hospital in two days.

I can't stop thinking about what happen yesterday. Brad and I had a moment and I think he was going to kiss me.

I don't think of Brad that way. He's just my friend and that's what he will always be.

Plus I'm with Levi, I don't even know if I should tell him or not.

"Tris" then a voice said pulling me away from my thoughts.

It was Brad.

"Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't know what came over me but I'm sorry." the boy had a sad face kinda.

" Don't be sad or sorry. It's okay, I forgive you." I gave the boy a little smile.

Then he smiled back.

"Hey, um I was wondering if you would want to hang out tomarrow?" he then asked me.

So I said sure.

"Great, I can't wait for tomorrow then." he smiled at me.

"Me too." I then smiled back.

"Just as friends...Don't worry Tris." I start saying to myself.

Then my phone rang and I checked to see who it was. It was Levi.

"I'll be over there and let you answer your phone. We can wait." Brad told me.

"Thanks." I pressed the answer button and walked away a couple of feet so the other boys wouldn't hear.

"Hey what's up" I said.
"Hey babe, I was just wondering if you would like to hang out today?" I heard Levi asked over the phone.
"Sure I'd love to" I said with a smile on my face.
"Yay! I'll see you later then. Bye babe, I love."
"Bye baby, I love you too." then the call ended.

"Alright boys, let's practice "Stolen Moments" first" Joe said which I'm assuming he got here when I was on the phone.

I then just see a sad looking Brad infront of me.

"Hey Brad, are you okay?" I asked the curly haired boy with a worried expression on my face.

"Yea I'm fine, let's go rehearse." then he just walked to the other boys and Joe.

Then it was time to rehearse and I went by the boys as well.
Brad's P.O.V

It still hurts. Tristan being cute with Levi over the phone, I wish that was me.

It still hurts to know you are not going to have the person you love.

Anyway, I went to the boys and then Joe spoke.

"Okay boys, like I said we are going to practice "Million Words" first. I think it's best for Tristan to listen to the song first of you boys singing it, and then we will do it together with him doing the drums."

"Sound like a plan Tristan?" Joe asked the blonde.

Then Tristan smiled and nodded.

"Okay good, take a seat and listen to the beat we are going for."

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