It Hurts Inside

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Climb the stairs to your apartment
Just to see you holding him
You try to tell me that it's nothing
So I keep coming back again

You're looking right in my eyes and I know that you're lying
When you say that you're mine and there's nobody else
But even when we fight, I can't stop from loving you
You know we can't be friends, I guess this is how it ends

Things that you say,
I can't erase
Repeating days,
It's all the same

Connor's P.O.V  (mentions of Selfharm ⚠)

James and I are standing outside of Brad's room to find out why would he ever consider hurting himself.

And we are determined to find out.

I never thought that Brad would never do something like this but you know what they say "the ones that smile alot are the most broken inside."

James knocked on the door. "It's open!" we heard Brad said and with that we both entered inside.

"Hey guys what's up?" Brad asked.

"Can we ask you something?" I asked nervously of how he was gonna react.

"Yea sure guys, you know you can ask me anything." Brad then gave a reassuring smile to both of us.

"Are you selfharming?" James then asked with a serious and concerned face.

"What?" came from the curly haired boy.

"You heard us, are you...selfharming?" I then repeated.

He didn't answer.

"...No...of course not." he hesitated.

"Why are you lying!?" James started to yell.

"I am not lying!" Brad yelled back, I can tell he was scared by James yelling.

"Then why was there blood stains on the sink!?" James continued yelling.

"Shh! Babe calm down please!?" I told James because I hate seeing him like this.

"Just tell us why are you selfharming please?" James asked alot more calm.

"I told you I'm not selfharming." Brad smiled but I knew he was lying. I need to's the only way.

"Oh yea?, then what's this?" I went up to him to slide up his sleeve but he tried to walk away.

I grabbed his arm tightly so he wouldn't escape and slid up his sleeve.

Gasps leave both my and James mouth as we see multiple cuts on Brad's arm. Some fresh ones.

I look up to see Brad already having tears ready to leave his eyes.

"Why are you doing this!?" I asked him trying to hold back my tears from coming out.

" hurts!" Brad then started to full on sob.

"What hurts!?" James asked with sadness in his voice and eyes.

"It hurts to know that the person you love, loves someone else! It hurts to know they have amnesia and you can't do anything about it! It hurts to know even though they have amnesia...they still won't love you!" Brad fully sobbed into my and James arms on the floor.

"Brad, it will be okay." I said a tear running down my cheek and with me and James hugging him tightly while he sobs.

I hope Brad will be okay.

Yes if your questioning when is Brad gonna be will see. I AM TRULY DEEPLY SORRY IF YOU KEEP GETTING HEART BROKEN TO SEE BRAD SAD :'( <\3 I actually hate me for breaking my lil bear's heart.But I hope u like this chapter and like the story so far xx it will get better...I promise ;) LOVE U ALL AND THANK U FOR 900 READS LIKE WTF!?!? I DIDN'T KNOW THAT THIS MANY WOULD READ THIS LET ALONE LIKE IT BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH! IT REALLY REALLY MEANS ALOT TO ME! xx I love you all so much and see you in the next chapter ;)

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