Nobody Will Ever Love Me

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Tristan's P.O.V (AN:Please don't kill me)

He crashed his lips on mine.

He just crashed his lips onto mine.

What is he doing!? What are you doing Tristan!?

He's still kissing me but I am just frozen here...disgusted.

Although somehow I start kissing back a little but I still feel disgusted.

Your cheating on Levi. Stop it!

I then feel hand go up to my thigh.


"No, stop it!" I say against his lips but then I push him off me.

"Why?, I thought you liked it." Brad asked with confusion is his voice.

I didn't like it. I don't like you.

I scoffed.

I then got up from where I was sitting.

"You really think I liked it? Wow, you must be dulusional if you thought I liked it." I said with a harsh tone but I don't care anymore.

"Why are you acting this way?" I can tell he had sadness in his voice.

He then got up as well.

"Because I know!I know you have feelings for me! I know you love me, but guess what!? I don't love you...and I never will."

He has tears in his eyes now but like I care.

"But I love you! You have amnesia and I told myself not to say anything but I need to tell you this, Levi is cheating on you." he told me.

I don't believe him, Levi loves me and he would never do that to me.

"Levi loves me! He would never cheat on me! Levi loves me unlike you who never did!" I yelled.

"That's not true! You were my first love and will always be! Levi is a liar! He lied to you!"

Okay! That's it!

"Oh, he's the liar here!? He's not the one who played me! Your the one who lied to me! I helped you out with your "depression" to get over him just to find out its me!" I was furious now.

"And you said I caused you hurting yourself!? Oh please, your just sad that nobody loves you! Are you really that needy and desperate for someone to love you?", I snickered.

He then just started to full on let's his tears slip.

"Especially me? Pfft,... your pathetic."

"Can-n you ple-ease st-top?" he stuttered out from all the crying he's doing.

"Gladly, I'm out of here. Your a waste of time." I went to go open the door but Brad pulled one of my arms.

"No-o, p-please do-on't go-o!" he begged while pulling my arm.

"Let go!" I forcefully pulled my arm away from his grasp and opened the door.

Before I was gonna go, I just glanced at the boy who was crying his eyes out.

I just stared at him one last time before heading out and slamming the door.

Leaving a crying Brad in his room.

I didn't care what I said. It was the truth. I couldn't take it anymore, I had get those words out.

It felt good.

I walked down the stairs to the living room only to open the front door then heading out.

Text To Levi:

Hey, I'm coming over. I need you. I'm on my way xx Be ready for me ;) Love you ♡

I smirked on what I sent, then put my phone in my pocket.

And I started my journey to Levi's house.

Brad's P.O.V (don't kill me. ⚠: Selfharm, Suicidal thoughts)

He left me.

I collapsed on the floor and just sobbed.

He's right, your a waste of time.
Your pathetic.

Nobody will ever ever love you. You are not worthy of loving.

You should just end it all.

End it and never wake up.

I grabbed the bottle of champagne and chugged down what was left.

Feeling the cold liquid run down my throat even though it stunged, felt good.

I just threw the glass bottle out of anger and sadness causing it to break.

Tears still falling from eyes down my cheeks, I went to the bathroom.

I closed the door and locked it.

I was alone and I will always be alone.

Do it already.

"You don't deserve to live. You fucked up everything! You lost the love of your life! He doesn't love you anymore, nobody will!" I yelled at my reflection in the mirror.


I rummage through my stuff to find the one thing I was looking for.

My blade.

I can't take it. Kill yourself.

I didn't think twice anymore and slid the blade across my skin.

I missed the feeling of this. The cold tingly feeling of the metal across my skin.

Seeing the red substance oozing down my arm, it gave me a sense of happiness.

My only happiness. I will be more happier once I end it all.

I slid the blade across my skin for the amount of reasons why I shouldn't be alive.

"Waste of space." One. "Pathetic." Two. "Not worth loving." Three. "You messed up everything." Four."He will never love you." Five.

When I was done, I was glad of what I have done.

Not enough. Your still alive.

I opened up the medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle of "Advil".

Pouring some tablets on my hand, I throwed them into my mouth and swallowed them.

Just a couple seconds I began choking and getting dizzy.

Everything was spinning.

I knew this was the end.

Bye everything.

I collapsed and hit my head on something hard.

Everything went black.

//yes I would die for you baby, but you wouldn't do the same//

Yes three times I updated now xx Brad...WHY BBY!? WHY DID U DO IT!? 💔

Tris be being a ass and I want to yell at him.

I told you guys are going to hate me and want to kill I'll just go hide under my bed.

But either way, I hope you liked this chapter...I hope u didn't cry or get heartbroken...I bet you did tho. Comment and vote xx ♡ Love you all.

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