Brad's Awake

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Tristan's P.O.V

I'm laying on my bed faced down and I haven't even moved at all.

Because your too sad and depressed to lift your lazy body off of the bed.

And you called Brad pathetic...your pathetic.

Just then, the door to my room opened.

"Get out." I said muffled because of the bed I'm on.

I didn't care who was it, I just wanted to be alone.

Your always going to be alone.

Don't you think I know that now?

"You can't just keep being like this." someone said which I know it was Connor.

"Do you understand the term get out? And yes I can." I say still face planted on the bed.

Feeling my blanket being yanked off my body, someone said "Get Up."

Which I can only assume is James.

"Ughh." I groan while getting up from the laying position I was in and changed it to a sitting position.

"You happy now?" I gave the two who were infront of me attitude.

"What is with you?" my older friend asked.

"I'm numb and broken." I shrugged.

"Just because Brad did this, doesn't give you the right to feel and think this way!" Jems started his yelling.


"Yes it does! If Brad wakes up and doesn't forgive me then why should I!? Why should I say everything is going to be okay when it's not!" I then raised my voice.

"You don't know that!"

"Like how I didn't know and how it didn't cross my fucking mind that Brad was going to fucking try to kill himself!? Like how I didn't know it was going to effect me this hard!? No, I didn't know! Now I don't know if he's going to wakeup but I feel like he's not!"

Here come the tears again.

I cup my eyes with my hands and cry into them.

Due to the bed moving, I could tell the two figures that is James and Connor are right beside me.

"It wasn't your job to know." Connor was telling me.

He doesn't understand.

"Yes it was! I made him promise me no matter how much depressed he gets that he wouldn't hurt himself! I told him I'll be there for him if he needs someone! And look what has happened!?" I cried out.

"You know what, we three are going out shopping...yes shopping. Con and I are not just going to let you lay here and feel sorry for yourself." my friend James told me.

"I really don't want to go out at a time like this and what about Brad!? You just left him!?" I exclaimed.

"Relax, Joe stayed there and if anything happens he will call us."

"Ughh, fine! I guess I don't have a choice. Let's go." I finally got up and walked towards the door and exited.

"Yayy!" my small friend cheered like a little kid.

Remind me again, why are we friends?

All three of us went out of the band house and entered my car, making our way to the mall.

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