Ice Cream "Date"

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Tristan's P.O.V

Once Brad and I got to the ice cream place we ordered our icecreams.

I ordered Butter Pecan while Brad ordered Cookies & Creme.

When we finally got our icecreams, we sat down.

"Thanks for taking me here, but you know you didn't really had to though." I told the curly haired boy.

"I know, but I wanted to." he then told me with a little smile.

I gave him a little smile back.

"Um,so how are you and...Levi?" Brad asked me while looking down.

I wanted to ask him what's wrong but I assumed it was nothing though.

"We are great, he is really sweet. He makes me feel so special, I don't remember him that well but I think I love him." I told him with a blush on my cheeks.

"That's ...great...I'm really happy for you...I wish I could have that" came from Brad.

"You will." I said.

"Yea right" he said while eating his ice cream and I couldn't help but snicker because he had an ice cream stain near his mouth.

"What's so funny?"

"You just have a ice cream stain on your face" I said giggling.

"Where?" He asked me.

"Here..." I said while leaning towards his face to wipe the stain off.

"...There...much better." I whispered while looking at lips then his eyes.

He looked at my eyes then my lips. He then started to lean foward but I stopped him by clearing my voice.

"Um, we should get back to the house. Thanks for the ice cream though, I had fun." I said while giving him a smile.

Brad is the best but I don't think of him that way. I'm with Levi and I would never cheat on him, just like I know he would never cheat on me.

"Uh, yea we should...I had alot of fun too." he told me while getting up. He smiled back as well.

We then are heading back to the house.

Brad's P.O.V

I shouldn't have tried to kiss him. I just got caught in the moment.

I hope he doesn't hate me. I just want to tell Tristan the truth about Levi but I know it will ruin what I have with him.

And I can't risk losing him.

OMYGOD Tradley was having a moment!!! FUCK yas! But let's see if things will still be okay with them ;) let's see in the next chapter ♡ I hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter :D Comment & Vote xx Love you guys ☆

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