Chapter 15: Need a Damon

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Me and Jace are sitting on the couch watching old Vampie Diaries episodes, while eating popcorn. At first it was awkward because of what happened in the hallway, but eventually it eased when we started watching TV.

"Oh my god! I need a Damon in my life." I whine.

"Why would you want him? He's such an arse wipe, you could have someone better than him." Jace says annoyed.

I gasp. "He is not! How dare you say that! Damon is so dangerous and sexy. Also possessive."

Jace rolls his eyes. "He's a dickhead. He ruined Stefan and Elena's relationship. He made her fall in love with him as she was sired to him. Oh don't forget that he almost killed her brother so many times."

"Yes but-" Jace cut me off.

"Also used Caroline at the beginning, and was one of the reasons why she was turned into a vampire. Made Bonnie save his life. Almost let her die for Ele-"

"Alright I get it!" Putting my hands up in surrender. Jace smirks pleased with his statement.

"Still don't make me hate- OH MY GOD IT'S KLAUS." I squeal when Klaus' gorgeous face pops up on the tv. Jace groans.

"Don't make me go through why Klaus is a dickhead too."

I glare at him. "Don't you dare."

He laughs shaking his head. Wow he's so fit.


It's true.

"Everyone is an asshole in this except Alaric. The only true guy in this."

"I love him but he has gone behind people's back. He isn't innocent." I say.

"Shut up." He knows I'm right.

"Hey did you hear about the beach party tonight hosted by one of the football players?" I say.

"Yeah I'm going, Ashton is the one who is hosting it."

What? Ashton is on the football team. Why am I shocked, the guy looks like a football player with his muscles and all.

"He's on the football team?"

"Yeah, I'm on it and so are the rest of the guys." My eyes widen in shock.

Again, why am I surprised?

"What!? Really? You never told me this."

"You never asked." I give him a 'are you kidding me' look.

"Like I'm supposed to know. I'm surprise you all are on the football team, thought you guys 'wouldn't have the time for it.'"

"Well you thought wrong." He says and taps my nose. I smack his hand away.

"Anyway why did you ask. You're going right?" He asks raising his eyebrow up.

"I'm not sure, I don't think I am to be honest."

"What why?" He asks confused.

"Err it's a school night?" Wow I sound like a nerd.

"Oh so the 'bad girl' is a good girl in disguise?" He smirks.

"Oh shut up I'm not, I just don't want to go through the pain when I wake up."

"Just don't drink then."

I rub my face and sigh, not sure if I should go or not.

"I don't know."

Jace moves forwards and grabs my hands.

"Please." He says pouting.

Man! He looks so cute.

I shake my head saying no, and look down at my fingers. He grabs my chin, making me look at his grey eyes.

"For me." He says coming close to my lips. My stomach starts to turn. What is wrong with me?

I look deeply into his eyes seeing that he really wants me to go.

I sigh in defeat. "Okay then." He smiles, and I smile too. He's still holding my chin.

His eyes flickered down to my lips, and I look at his. I lick my lips and his eyes turn dark. He starts to lean in and I find myself leaning in too.

What am I doing, I literally met him 4 days ago.

But a kiss doesn't matter does it?

I feel his hot breath on mine.

Just as we are about to close the gap between us, the door opens. I shove Jace off of me and he falls off the couch.

What just happened? If someone didn't walk in would we have kissed?

I turn my head to see my mum.

"Er-rr hey mum wha-what are you doing here." I stutter, quickly standing up, Jace does the same.

My mum looks at us curiously. A small smirk appearing on her mouth.

"Hey darling I had to come back to pick up a sheet I need for work. Who's this." She says looking at Jace.

"Erm this is Jace." Jace smiles and puts out his hand for her to shake.

"Hi nice to meet you, you're just as beautiful as your daughter." Me and my mum blush. What an ass sucker.

She shakes his hand. "Aw thank you. Your a very handsome boy, no wonder why my daughter has took an interest in you." She looks at me and winks, I glare. That bitch.

Jace chuckles. "Ha thank you. As much as I would like to stay, I have to go. It was nice meeting you Miss Brook." My mum nods.

"Same to you Jace." He turns to me.

"Pick you up at 7?" I nod.

He turns and smiles at my mum and walks to the door opening it, he waves goodbye not before winking at me and walking out.

I roll my eyes.

I do that a lot don't I?

"So that was the boyfriend? He's very cute." Mum says walking to the kitchen opening a draw and taking a sheet out.

I groan. "How many times do I have to tell you? He's not my boyfriend!" She rolls her eyes.

I get it from her.

"Yeah? So what were you going to do before I walked in then eh?" I blush.

"Nothing." I say looking down at my hands.

"Mm hmm." She says raising her eyebrow. "Whatever you say."

I turn around and grab the bowl of popcorn, turning off the tv and walking to the kitchen.

"So why is he picking you up at 7? Are you going on a date." She says trying to hold her smile down.

"What no. We are going to a beach party."

"On a school night? You know you shouldn't party on a school night." She says.

"I know but I'm not drinking."

She shakes her head. "Okay whatever. I'm off, make sure you take your key and do not lose it." She says pointing at me.

"I won't." I say putting the bowl on the side.

"Alright see you later." She says and walks out of the door.

I sign and look at the clock.

5:27. Good, enough time to take a bath.

I'm about to walk to the staircase until I hear a ding. My phone. I look at it and see it's a text from Jace.

'Missing you already. :'('

'Aww poor baby. :-('

'I need you.'

I roll my eyes, not bothering to text back and walk to the stairs.


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