Chapter 2: Introducing myself

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When I walk into class, everyone is looking at me like I've just killed someone.

"What." I say. Their eyes widen in shock, as they quickly look away. I see that there is a couple of seats by the window. I take one of the them, since I don't like sitting at the front or in the middle.

After a couple of minutes gone by, a male teacher finally shows up. "Alright guys, sorry i'm late" The teacher looks like he's in his mid 30's.

"Today we have a new student with us." He scans through the students until his eyes land on me.

"Ah ha, there she is. Hi I'm Mr Jones and-" He was cut off as someone bashed through the door.

It was the guy who was in the way, and called me a bitch.


"Oh look who's late... again. Mr Kingston can you tell me why you're late this time?" Mr Jones asks.

"It's none of your business, but just be happy that i'm actually here." He winks at sir, then looks around the classroom for a seat. His eyes lands on me.

He smirks as he starts to walk over and sits in the seat behind me. I curse as I just realise he's going to annoy me, probably for pay back.

"Hello sweetheart." He whispers in my ear. I guess he isn't pissed anymore? Nah, I doubt it.

"Hey gorgeous." I say smirking, as I turn around to see that he's amused.

"So Miss would you stand up and introduce yourself?" Mr Jones asks me. I just stare at him blankly.

"Are you serious? Are we still in primary school?" I hear some of the students laugh, but then tries to cover it up when they see Mr Jones glare at them.

"Please just do it." He orders.

"Oh my god." I mutter under my breath as I stand up.

"I'm Hazel Brook." Sir looks at me blankly.

"Is that it? Are you not going to tell us anything about yourself?" Oh my god. He told me to introduce myself, and I did.

"There's not much to tell." I say as I lean on my table.

"Also you only told me to introduce myself. So that's what I did." I say as I sit down back in my seat. Not before I see douche smirking at me, obviously amused.

"Alright lets just start the lesson." It's about time.


The lesson got boring after Sir moved Jace, yeah I finally know his name. He said we was messing around, we didn't even do anything... alright, we might of been talking when he was or throwing little pieces of paper at the people in the class. I realise Jace isn't that bad, when we got to know each other. Maybe it's because we're not so different at all.

"Hazel this is the last time I going to tell you, do your work." I'm getting annoyed at Mr Jones. He's being such a dick.

"There's no point the bell is about to go." I reply with clear anger in my voice.

"Tha-" He was then cut off by the bell.

"Finally." I reply as I sigh with relief. I grab my bags and make my way to the door.

"Miss Brooks can I talk to you?" I hear Mr Jones ask. I just walk out not wanting to speak or listen to him. I've had enough of him for one day.

As i'm walking I hear someone's footsteps near me. I turn my head to see it's Jace.

"You're sexy when you're angry." He says.
I chuckle. "Oh I thought I was always sexy " I then pretend to be upset.

I hear him chuckle. "Oh don't worry babe, you're beautiful just the way you are." I laugh.

"Hey I'm having a party tonight, you coming?" He says.

"Yeah, good job it's Friday and I won't have to turn up to school with a hangover. But I probably wouldn't even come." I say.

"Alright it starts at 7:00, but turn up at about 7:30 because that's when everyone is mostly there. Also why did you start school on a Friday? Wouldn't you start school on Monday." Oh yeah I knew someone would ask.

"Well my mum wanted me to go to school as soon as possible. She thinks that I will miss something out. My mum wants me to stop getting into trouble, and do well in school. Haha stuff that."

"Oh I understand, well don't forget." He says.

"I won't I love parties." I promise. He laughs "Same...well, I'll see you at lunch?"

"Yeah see ya later." I wave at him as he walks down the hallway, not before waving back. Aren't we suppose to not be getting along?


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