Coming Clean

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"Come on Girly, it's time to wake up." Danielles sweet voice brought me out of slumber as she shook my lightly.

"But I'm tired." I groaned and she laughed lightly.

"I know, but come on hun. You gotta clean your tattoo and Jaime is making breakfast." She said, still in that sweet tone that makes me not want to punch her. When one of my uncles wake me up, half the time I want to punch them in the jaw.

I groaned and flopped over to my left side, big mistake. I hissed slightly at the stinging burning sensation that shot through my new tattoo.

I quickly rolled onto my back and opened my eyes.

"There ya go, now come on, time to get up and dressed." Dani urged with a smile as I sat up.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, careful to not let my shorts ride up. I stretched, my vertebrae popping satisfyingly as my joints cracked.

"That was probably one of the grossest things I've ever heard." Dani said from behind me with a chuckle.

"It's the best feeling ever." I smirked as I stood up and grabbed clean clothes.

"Jaime is making french toast so just come down when you're ready." She smiled and I nodded. Jaime makes the best fucking food, I need to thank his mother, she is a gift from God.

I grabbed a random shirt that I've left here and a pair of jeans along with my tattoo goo before heading to the bathroom. I showered quickly, gently cleaning my tat and scrubbing my hair clean. Once I was done, I shut the water off and climbed out. Grabbing one of dad's towels, I dried off, making sure to pat my tattoo dry. I quickly got dressed and threw the used gauze I had accidentally left on the counter, into the garbage.

The random shirt I had grabbed ended up being my Ginger Princess shirt. I giggled as I pulled my jeans up. This shirt was definitely one of my favorites.

I listened to music as I got ready, I hit shuffle and Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen played.

"Mama...just killed a man. Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead." I sang along quietly as I brushed my hair.

I rolled up the left side of my shirt and gently applied a thin coat of tattoo goo to my ink.

I brushed my teeth quickly with the toothbrush that I bought specifically to leave at dad's house before rinsing the toothpaste out of my mouth. I grabbed my glasses and phone before heading downstairs.

"How's my favorite daughter doing this morning?" Dad asked from his spot, he was standing behind Dani with one arm around her, the other holding a cup of coffee.

"Pretty good now that I know I made the cut for favorite." I joked as I paused my music and put my glasses on.

"Oh by the way, Jason texted me this morning." Dad said and I cringed.

"Is there a particular reason why?" I asked when dad didn't elaborate.

"Homecoming, he knew that you probably wouldn't mention it." He explained and I grimaced.

"And he was right." Mike added with a smirk.

"He's trying to get you in a dress?" Dani asked me, she seemed shocked.

"Yeah, bad idea. I manage to make any dress bad." I stated and grabbed a bottle of water before sitting back down.

"Lies!" Dad shouted before setting his coffee cup down and removing his arm from Dani. He bolted towards the stairs, almost tripping as he ran up them.

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