I finally understand why he said that I just have to make sure that I wouldn't fall asleep. I yawned as I listened to him explaining about Physics. It's not like it's boring. Well, alright, it is, but the reason why I feel sleepy might be because of staying up late for studies for the passing few days.

"You should just sleep for an hour first, I'll wake you up." Luhan suddenly closed the book and said.

"No, please just continue."

"Rest." He looked at me and said. I gave up and laid my head on the desk, then closed my eyes. I felt him ruffled my hair softly and said, "You should be in a good term in order to learn."

I don't know how long had I slept. When I woke up, it was surprisingly evening already.

I unlock my phone which I placed by my side earlier and found that it's already six. Wow, I've slept for so long. I don't even remember how long is it since I got to sleep for this long during afternoon.

I looked to my side and found Luhan wide awake, and he was solving some mathematical problems. I held my head with one of my arms and looked at him.

"If you continue stare, I can't focus, girl." Luhan suddenly said. I just chuckled and turned to my book. "Why don't you wake me up? It's late."

"The way you sleep tell me that you don't want to be waken." He said, and stopped. He then took a picture of what he just wrote, then started texting.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Solving a question that my friend sent for me." He answered, keeping his phone. He reached out his hands and ruffled my hair.

"Let's head for dinner, I am hungry already."


Luhan was telling jokes all the way he send me back to my house. I told him that I don't really need him to send me back, but he insisted that and said that that is what a boyfriend should do. Well, I just let him.

I suddenly thought about what Jingxiu and the others said. Judging from the situation now, I don't think that he is playing with my feelings. If he does, I think that he wouldn't even send me back.

"You should go back." I stopped in my track when it's a few metres away from my house.

"Why? We aren't there yet." He asked.

"I...I actually don't want to let my family knows." I lied. I just...don't want to let Jiayi know about that. It'll hurts her.

"Alright." Luhan smiled and hugged me softly. "Let's meet again tomorrow when it's recess."

"Alright." I nodded and told him. He then released me from the hug and patted my head. "See you tomorrow, Jiahui."

"See you."

He smiled at me then said, "I'll watch as you turn at the corner. Go first."

"Okay." I nodded.

When I reached the corner, I turned around to find Luhan still standing there, smiling.

I smiled back, then turned to the right side.

This isn't right. I thought to myself. I am dating with Jiayi's love one without her knowing.

As I entered the house, I saw my younger brother, Jiajun lying in the couch, playing video games.

"You're the only one in the house?" I asked him.

"Shh, I'm playing now." Jiajun shushed me as he was too focus on his game. I sighed and went up stairs.

Jiayi was in the room listening to music while browsing internet with her laptop.

"You're late these days." She commented as I went into the room.

"Yeah. I am staying back in school for revision. The bed in our room is too addictive to me." I chuckled and said.

"I'm still okay with that." Jiayi chuckled as well.

"You know me, I will easily fall asleep if I am studying in house." I said, putting down my things. I suddenly thought that I actually fell asleep in library earlier as well. I can actually sleep in everywhere.

"So, who's sending you home today? Mr.Zhang or Jingxiu?"

"Mr. Zhang? Why would he send me back." I frowned. Jiayi doesn't know that I am actually quite close with Yixing.

"Well, I heard the rumors. Are you dating with Mr. Zhang, Jiahui?" She asked.

"No, the rumor isn't true." I told her.  Of course it isn't. The one that I am dating now...is the one you like. Thinking of that, it makes me feel bad.

"I hope that it's true, Jiahui." Jiayi smiled and said. "I can tell that Mr. Zhang is a good guy. How about Jingxiu? I thought you always have a crush on him?"

If I am drinking or eating right now, I will surely spilt all the water or foods out from my mouth. Jingxiu and me? That is just impossible.

"Jiayi, Jingxiu and I are just friends. Really." I looked at her and said.

"But you've got so many photos of him in your phone. I thought that you like him."

"Oh well, those are taken by Crystal." I said. I'm not lying, though. Jingxiu, Crystal, Jingyi, Weiliang, Zhengyao and I often go out together and we took a lot of pictures. Most of the times, Crystal will take my phone and take pictures of them, and Jingxiu will always be the victim.

"Crystal likes Jingxiu?"

"Nah. But for those who doesn't really know them, I guess that they will mistaken them as couple if they saw their interaction. Well, Jingxiu is comfortable with girls, while Crystal is comfortable with boys so they suit each other. Honestly, I ship them." I chuckled at the last sentence. Crystal will sure hate me for the last sentence I've said.

"Wow, really? I must see that one day." Jiayi chuckled.

"Of course! They actually look good together." I said. Not only me who think so, even Hongbin and Jingyi think so too. But I still believe that it is impossible for them to be together, as Jingxiu had someone he likes and Crystal doesn't really take interest in boys. Oh, she does but only for artists.

"You and Mr. Zhang will look good together too." Jiayi teased. I rolled my eyes and told her, "I am waiting to attend your wedding with Luhan."

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