Casual Morning

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Summary: Casual morning events. Just all the cute and fluff that is happening in the Jaspar household.

Joe's POV

I woke up to the blazing sun that shone right at the window. I look up at my pillow to see my boyfriend, Caspar, sleeping peacefully. His hair all a mess and his lips parted, creating little snores. His arms wrapping me around securely. Our chests touching. Our legs tangled up together. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, smelling in his honeysuckle scent. I kiss his neck softly, hearing him giggle in his sleep.

He's too adorable.

After awhile of staying in this position. I thought, that it's better to make breakfast. So I carefully get his arms around me and gently put it down in our bed. I don't want to wake him up in his slumber. I did some morning stretches and put on my boyfriend's baby blue shirt. His shirt is pretty much twice as my size so it's length stopped midway at my thighs, it's sleeves are much bigger. It's so soft and comfortable.

I walked out of our bedroom silently. I go to our kitchen and check what we have in stock in the pantry and the fridge. I decided to make some pancakes, bacon, fruit bowl and orange juice. I prepared all the ingredients I need for cooking.

After the preparation of ingredients, I blasted some good ole Troye Sivan's song: YOUTH

I sprawled out the breakfast we are having neatly on the table. I still have to cook the bacon though. I got the bacon in the pan and started cooking it while dancing and singing along the song YOUTH. It's been on repeat lately because I'm hella obsessed with it. I felt two familiar strong arms wrapped around my waist. Warm lips touched my neck, letting it stay there for a bit.

"Hey honey." Caspar whispered into my ear with his raspy voice.

It's so sexy.

"Good morning babe." I said smiling.

He suddenly tightened his grip.

"Baby, is this my shirt that you're wearing by any chance?" He whispered again in my ear, leaving me all tingly with my spine. I could also feel my cheeks heating up.

"No." I said cheekily. He spin me around so that we could face each other. His facial features making it all so stunning and his eyes glowing with deep blue because of the sun shining in. He held me so close to him, feeling his heart beat. He slowly lean in to my face.

"Liar." He said simply while smirking. I gulped. I look straight into his eyes, mesmerized. "You look adorable in this babe, it definitely suits you better." He smiled sweetly at me. He then let go of me and just lean at the counter.

Okay how can Caspar Lee just be so fucking sexy and hot and then a second later turn all sweet and cute?! I can never understand this. I'll take it anyway.

"What are you cooking, honey?" He said cutely. Oh yeah the bacon. I quickly turn back to the stove and get the bacon to set it on the plate. " Bacon." I  said turning back to put this food on the table that I just prepared. I went back to the kitchen to grab the syrup, nutella and butter but I stopped by my tracks when Caspar just sweep me off of my feet and carry me. As an instinct I locked my legs around his waist and locked my arms around his neck.

"Caspar, I need to get the syrup, nutella and butter."

"I didn't even get my morning kiss." He said, pouting.

Oh such a little kid.

I peck his lips but for him it wasn't enough. He dove in for more. He kissed me passionately. He then put me on top of the counter and just kiss me there. I cupped his face while he just held on to my hips. I pulled back slowly. "You've been listening to Troye...again, huh?" Caspar said. I rolled my eyes. "Obviously, plus you know my obsession with him." He's now frowning. I got off the counter top and grab what I needed. He's still there standing at the counter frowning like a stubborn child. "Come on, Caspar, breakfast is ready. Come here." I said.

We sat in our seats. Caspar in front of  me. "This looks delicious, honey." Caspar said, looking at the foods like it's the most precious thing in the world, which it really is. "Of course, I'm chef Sugg." I said proudly. We get the foods we want to eat. Caspar having a lot of food on his plate. When I say a lot I mean a whole lot of pancakes with a ton of butter and syrup, half full of bacon, small bowl with strawberries and one full glass of orange juice. "Mmmm... it's really, really good." Caspar moaned into the taste.

We just eat our food and talk about anything and everything. From travel plans, video ideas, baby names to future plans. Just anything really. After putting all the dishes in the sink. Caspar and I are cuddled up in our blankets playing Fifa. He challenged me on this but he legit can't win for shit.  I aimed the goal for 9 times now and he got none. "Take that you little shit!" I yelled on the screen. Caspar  fidgeting on the settee. Eventually, I won. "Yes!" I yelled, yet again doing my happy dance. "Aw, why are you so good with this? It's unfair. I reckon you cheated." Caspar said, looking sad. I chuckled lightly. "Babe, there ain't no cheat for this." He just pouted. I bring him in for a hug, wrapping my arms around him. I grab his chin carefully, letting him look at me. I locked my eyes with his. Silence in the air for a few seconds.

"Joe," He said softly, now cupping my face with his warm and soft hands. He looks at me in awe. "You're beautiful."  I feel myself blushing at his compliment. I giggled. "Caspar, you said that every single day."   He stared right into my eyes and smiled warmly at me. "I just want you to know that every single day."  Now I'm full on like a tomato. "Aren't you tired of saying the same thing everyday to me?" I asked. "How? I can't get tired when truly you are beautiful. I see you everyday and it's so hard not to tell you that and it's very hard to get used with that perfectly beautiful face and body."  He said it with sincerity in his voice. "You're so cheesy, stop, you're making me blush too much." "I love making you blush too much." He said caressing my cheeks gently. "And I will do it. Every. Single. Day." I grin at him and he grinned back.

He leaned in and captured my lips to his. I move my lips in sync with his. I strangled his waist and sat on his lap, not breaking the kiss. Much to my dismay, he broke the kiss. "By the way you're obsessed of me than Troye, right?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at his question but I keep on my smile anyway.

"I'm utterly obsess of you." I said softly. He just grinned and kissed me again, both of us smiling onto the kiss.

What a casual morning.


Second oneshot done! woot woot!!! It's just a simple one. I hope you enjoyed reading it!!

KJ xx

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