a trusty noona

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where did you come from?- bts

Lee Eunjin POV

As school ends, all I'm thinking about is how I can do as much work on this project without Taehyung as possible. The bell rings and I try to leave as soon as possible because why would I stay in that crap shoot? Of course, as usual, something had to stop me. Before I could leave Taehyung grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, wait. How are we gonna do are project and what about? We need to work together, Eunjin," he says playfully smiling at me and poking out as if to tickle me.

"Don't act so informal with me, we're not even friends," I say, feeling a little bad at how harsh the words came out but ignoring it as I try to walk away. I only get to the school yard before I hear a familiar voice again, however.

"Eunjin, sorry! Hey, wait!"

"It's alright, Taehyung. I'll do the project myself and you can put your name on it. I don't want to get gum stuck in my short hair and have to cut it shorter, anyways."

"Wait though. I can't let you do the project by yourself! That's against my moral code."

"You have one?" Completely ignoring this comment, he continues to try to speak and walk backwards at the same time, despite failing miserably.

"Come on.... I'll try not to get gum stuck in your hair, too." Up until this point I had been resisting the urge to laugh right in his face, but I could not keep it in any longer as after this statement he trips and falls on his butt. I burst out laughing as he looks up at me feigning anger and pouting. He chuckles he takes the hand I offered him and dusts himself off.

"So is that a yes?"

"Do you promise to do more than try to not get him stuck in my hair?," I say, still laughing at him.

He grins," I swear on my moral code!" he says as he puffs out his chest and hits it with a fist.

"I guess that's a yes then."

"Great! So when should we start?"

"As soon as possible so we can finish as soon as possible. So tomorrow after school."

"Oh alright. Well see you tomorrow then!" and he runs off finally leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The next day I woke up more normal than ever, and I ate a normal breakfast, and dressed in my normal clothes and I walked my normal route to school. In all honestly I expected it to be quite a normal day.

I arrived at school at the normal time and looked for Soyoung because she had been a little earlier than me and didn't wait for me to walk together (definition of a fake friend). We wandered around the school for a little while until she found other friends and left with them. I didn't mind (at least not today) because I had other plans this morning.

On days like these when I felt like clearing my mind and being alone, I would go to an abandoned music room on the third floor where no one goes. I made it a kind of like my special hideout, only the janiter and I go there (of course not together, you nasty). I brought snacks that don't need to be refrigerated and a pillow and some blankets for days when I didn't feel like going to lunch or when I didn't want to go home too early. But mostly when I come in here its for the piano in the middle of the room. Its in pretty good condition and it sounds good.

'Especially when I play it... No Eunjin. Don't lie to yourself.'

Today, I had a pretty good amount of time to just play around so I sat down and played my favorite tune. When it was finally close enough to the time for class to start, I walked down the stairs to the second floor and ran into someone on my way.

"Yah! Watch where you're- Oh Eunjin what were you doing on the third floor?"

"Damn, Kim Taehyung. Didn't I tell you not to act so informal?"

"It doesn't matter since we're friends, anyways." Since when?

"It doesn't matter what I was doing upstairs either then."

"Fine fine but I won't answer your questions from now on. Why are you walking so fast? Slow down a little."

"It's alright because I don't have questions for you anyways. I don't want to be late to class. Unlike you, I actually care about being on time."

"Hey! I'm always on time and I'm a great student. If I weren't the teachers wouldn't like me enough to keep Hoseok, Jungkook, and I together."

I don't get the chance to respond to this as the bell rings and we're still all the way down the hall on the opposite side of where our class is. Taehyung looks at me and has a teasing 'will laugh at you' written all over his face.

His laughter isn't just on his face but all over the empty hallway as he runs to catch up with me, who is suddenly dashing to class. When I reach the classroom, I spare no time in opening the door. I am met by stares until I'm joined by Taehyung slowly walking to the doorway. After he shows up, all I see are whispers and bulge-eyed stares.

"Lee Eunjin, Kim Taehyung. This is the first time either of you are late, make it the last time as well. Take a seat." We bow, take our seats, and the rest of the day goes by with us learning about a book called 'Demian' (A/N BOI THESE WINGS SHORT FILMS ARE STILL KILLING ME).

Lunch time finally arrives, and I tell Soyoung I'm not going to eat lunch as I was not feeling very hungry in favor of heading up to the music room to eat some of the rice crackers I brought before. I lay down on the blankets and pillows I arranged, looking out to clouds through the open window blowing in a pleasant late summer breeze. I rest my eyes and mind peacefully until I feel someone lay down next to me. I turn and open my eyes to see that I'm staring right into the face of Kim Taehyung, who is looking at me with a big, rectangle grin.

"So this is where you were this morning." I jump from my place in shock and sit up.

"How did you find me?"

And then without hesitation he says,"I followed you."

"Alright, now that's just creepy. Don't ever tell a girl that." We laugh together for what seems like the first time ever before he says,"Why aren't you at lunch?"

"I wasn't very hungry today."

"But I remember other days where you didn't go to lunch either. A lot of other days actually. Were you not hungry then either?" He looks at me with a serious expression in his eyes.

"No, I wasn't," I reply, a bit defensively,"What's it to you anyways?"

He looks down before he says,"It shouldn't really bother me, but I've seen you disappear from lunch a lot. And I've never really thought much about it, but I always wondered if you were eating well."

"Well you don't have to worry about me. I'm perfectly fine."

"Alright. If you're perfectly fine, you have to promise to eat with me, Hoseok, Jungkook and your friend Soyoung everyday. And I have to see you eat something even if its small everyday." He puts out his index finger as if expecting me to do something with it. I look at it and then at him as if he's grown two heads, but his finger stays in the air expectantly. Finally, I sigh and mumble something along the lines of 'alright I guess.'

"Good. Now lock your finger with mine."


"You know, like to make a promise."

"Taehyung, I think you're supposed to do that with your pinky."

"Well you and me are gonna do it with our index. So go on." I chuckle and lock my index with his.

"This is serious. You can never break this promise. I trust you. Do you trust me?"

Hesitantly I say,"I guess I trust you, too."

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