get your hair out my gum

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I really hope you guys actually laugh at my dry humor lmao

glasses- iu

Lee Eunjin POV

Ever since I can remember, I've had to endure the antics of Kim Taehyung. In grade school, he got gum caught in my hair on the second day, and ever since then it's only gotten worse (my hair). By the time we got to middle school, he had been joined by his dear and equally annoying friends, Hoseok and Jungkook, which only made my dislike towards him ten times worse. Now in our second year of high school, I hope I don't have to worry about him very much. I've learned that if I ignore my problems, they still won't go away. However, I can pretend that they do.

A mildly annoying but always welcomed voice grabs my attention.

"Lee Eunjin-ah!"

I swing around dramatically and open my arms, waiting for them to be filled with the owner of the annoying voice before replying,"Wassup, So!"

Go Soyoung had been my best friend since the day Kim Taehyung got gum stuck in my hair (not in grade school, in middle school, the second time). Up until our last day of middle school, she had found the Three Musketeers, equally annoying, until the youngest, Jungkook, bumped into her in the hall and apologized with "incredibly dreamy eyes!" Now she doesn't think much of them except,"Their outfits look nice."

"You mean the uniform?" I respond to her when she makes this remark.

"They make it look good and you know it!" is the only thing she replies with.

Soyoung fills my hug and interlocks arms as we go on our path to school together, chatting away at things that I, without a doubt, will never, ever remember.

"I like what you're wearing today, Eunjin."

I look her up and down and roll my eyes with a grin, knowing she makes a joke out of our school uniform every year and expects me to respond with a wittier comment each time, "Thanks. When I picked it out this morning, I made sure no one else would ever wear it."

"Ugh, you said that last year too! Have you lost your touch, kid?"

I shrug, and we walk for what seems like an eternity, chatting like this. When we finally arrive at hell, we check our class assignments, delighted but not surprised to be in the same class yet again. We found that if the teachers like you enough, they'll realize who your friends are and not care. However, the teachers loved us and have kept us in the same class for years, so long as we don't disrupt. Unfortunately, Kim Taehyung and his followers also realized this, and only disrupt before and after school and during breaks, keeping their little group from separating. This year I J-Hope (Hoeseok's nickname) for the best, but the best is not ever going to come to me.

When Soyoung and I enter class, my horrible predictions are proven to be correct. There, in the corner of the room, are the three people I dreaded the most to see, singing (quite well though, if I might add).

Soyoung and I settle down in seats without getting comfortable, knowing whoever our teacher might be will put us into assigned seats. The teacher, a small, young woman who looks to be in her early 30s, walks in and introduces herself. Miss Kim, a typical name. Her eyes land on the three singing boys in the corner, examine them for a second, and then continue to scan the room.

Finally she says,"I'm a pretty easy teacher, but this seating arrangement will not stay as is. Enjoy it for the week it lasts because next week I'll have a seating chart." Just like that the class fell quiet in hopes of keeping Miss Kim satisfied with their behavior, but it was to no avail as at the end of class she reminded us yet again of our impending fate.

The day went by incredibly quickly, and soon, the week did too. When we arrived the next Monday, we found our seating chart taped to the door of the class. I was pleasantly surprised to find myself in the corner by the window, but once again my mood was destroyed. Our seats are set in pairs, and my partner is none other than Kim Taehyung. The bell rings and I drag my feet to my seat, Taehyung mischievously smirking at me.

"I hope this time you don't get your hair stuck in my gum."

"Haha. You're pretty funny."

"Thank you, thank you. I want to be a comedian when I grow up."

"Don't quit that day job then."

The rest of the class goes pretty well, besides Taehyung constantly moving his leg and clicking his pen. You would think he'd just eaten a whole tub of candy before coming to school.

"Alright class. This week and next week you'll be working on an art project with your partner about... " and just like that my whole week and probably life after that was ruined.

the golden boy \\ kth ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن