Author's Note

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I just wanted to say thank you to every one of my readers who have stuck with this story until the end.

I've been writing this for almost two years (yeah, I know) and it's so strange that it's finally over. I'm sad that it is but also happy because I feel as though it's better than I thought it would be.

I was wondering if any of you had any questions in regards to this story? It could be anything from inspiration to why I chose certain things to happen. I would love to answer any questions you have. Please comment any and I will answer all of them.

You guys mean a lot to me. Without you, this story would be nothing. You all motivated me to complete it, even when I was tempted to delete it. Thank you for being amazing.

If you enjoy my writing style, I have other stories and I've just started writing a new one called Hate At First Sight. Again, it's a high school set one because I have a problem.

Thanks again :)


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