“Oh and, I would suggest that for the last week before the wedding, Alice is going to stay at our old home with Claire, Emma and me” I smiled, looking at Alice.
“You're fucking with me aren't you” She asked shocked. I shook my head no.
“Guys just imagine how awesome it will be when you see Zack the first time after a week while walking down the aisle, and vice versa!” I smiled, hoping they'd understand.
Alice raised an eyebrow, but seemed to grasp the concept.
“Actually, that's a very good idea!” She suddenly exclaimed.
“Told you” I said matter of factly, smiling slightly.
“It's only 2 and a half weeks Zack” She smiled, turning back to her fiance, her eyes shining.
“I know, and then you're going to be Miss Merrick for ever” he grinned, taking her hand.
Alice started grinning with Zack and leaned into his chest, while Zack pulled her closer.
“Well guys, I have to go now! See y'all soon though!” Lydia stated, standing up and smiling at us.
“Bye, was nice meeting you” I smiled, waving at her. She waved at the group before walking out with Alice behind her.
I looked around and suddenly felt bored but really hyper.
“Jack let's do something!” I said excited, taking his arm and trying to pull him up.
“Why?” he chuckled, getting up.
“I don't know! Like let's go and fight or play with water guns or … Uh” I started thinking.
“Oh I know what we can do” he winked at me, making me roll my eyes.
“Jack shut the hell up” I laughed
“OKAY THEN” he laughed, while I dragged him into the garden. “GUYS COME ON JOIN USSSS” I smiled, dragging the s.
I heard somebody groaning, some shuffling but soon enough Alice was bouncing down the hall with Alex and Rian behind her.
I smiled proudly while looking for some water guns or the like. Soon, I found some weapons and handed everybody something.
“Let's make teams!” Alex exclaimed happily.
“Okay so we have Jalex in one, Alice, Rian and me in the other team” I suggested laughing.
Jack and Alex rolled their eyes but laughed as well and nodded.
We split up and walked into different directions.

Some hours later

“F-fuck you J-jay!” Alice stuttered, clutched onto her wet clothes.
By the time we ended the game it has already turned evening. Yep, we just had a water fight for more than 3hours. We're amazing I know. And well, it turned pretty cold.
“I'd say I'm s-so... sorry if I was, but I'm n-not” I stuttered back.
Rian sneezed, which looked really attractive seeing he didn't hold his hand in front of his nose and all the spit flew around.
“Rian, that was gross” I commented, walking back inside.
All our clothes and our hair was dripping wet, it looked like we just ran in the heaviest rain you've ever seen and to be honest, it was worth it.
Walking into the bathroom I grabbed a couple of towels, before handing them to the others and keeping one for myself, drying my hair and face.
My sweater, shirt and jeans stuck to my skin, but there was nothing I could do about it right now though, so I made the best about it and tried drying it with the towel, which earned me a few weird glances from the others.
I just shook it off and tied my still wet hair into a loose pony tail, in hope the hair would dry faster.
“Guys what- Oh my god” Cass laughed as soon as we came in view. Haley soon came running and joined in the loud laughter. I blushed slightly, before smiling. Alice shook her head before heading into the living room, with a mischievous look on her face. My eyes widened and a smile spread across my face as soon as I realized what she wanted to do.
A couple of seconds after Alice entered the living room, we heard shrill screams, making us laugh even harder.
“ALICE NO PLE- NO WHY LET OH GOD” Zack screamed. I rolled up on the floor, and held my stomach to prevent it from hurting.
“BUT ZACK I LOVE YOUU” Alice said innocently, making me laugh even more.
Zack ran out, nearly falling over and ran into the bathroom, locking himself up. I shook my head and looked at the others who just calmed down when I suddenly heard a lowed crash.
I turned around in shock and saw Alice holding her head, while leaning against the door frame.
“FUCK” She exclaimed, rubbing her forehead. And with that I lost it again.
“I'm s-so sor-ry” I manage to stutter through fits of laughter, walking over and hugging Alice. She slapped my arm before rubbing the spot one last time.
“It's alright I gu- IS THAT BLOOD” She exaggerated.
“Dude, it's not even swollen” I pointed out, still giggling.
“I could have broken my head!” She exclaimed.
“I think you actually did hurt yourself rather badly, dude if you break your head you're dead” I laughed.
She glanced at me, before turning on her heals and walking into the living room, grabbing her phone.
“Watcha doin?” Alex asked. By the time we finished discussing her bruise the guys already settled in the living room, and Jack was waiting for me, his arms opened. I chuckled before trying to get somewhat comfortable in his wet clothes.
He chuckled, as I groaned, trying to rest my head on something dry, before he pulled me into a hug, making it all worthless.
“I'm ordering food” Alice replied.
“Yesss” Cass smiled.
“Oh god since we're hanging out with you, I've been barely cooking, I feel my senses flowing away” I said dramatically, making Alice roll her eyes. I stuck my tongue at her and let her order the food.

The next day

I woke up to Jack lying next to me, still sound asleep. I smiled, and was about to stroke a strand of his hair away, when suddenly I felt sick. Slowly standing up from the bed, I hurried into the bathroom and made it just in time.
After washing my mouth and face, I looked into the mirror.
Did I eat something wrong? We ate chinese yesterday, it shouldn't be that... What else causes sickness? Was I on my period? I never really get sick when being on my period!
Oh well, probably just had something wrong in the last days, shouldn't be anything serious. Maybe it was just my nerves kicking because I was getting my hair cut today?
I smiled at this, ruffling my hair to the front, looking at my roots and at my cut.
Brushing my teeth and hair, I played with my too long fringe. Before walking out, I clipped it back so it wouldn't annoy me and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
While turning on the radio, I thought about what to make.
As I wasn't really in the mood to make anything spectacular, I just cracked some eggs into a pan and prepared some pop tarts, along with bacon. Healthy, I know!
I finished about 10minutes later, and went upstairs to wake Jack up. He was still in the same position as before, making me chuckle lightly.
“Jacky, wake up! Today's a long day, and breakfast is ready” I said, while stroking a strand of hair out of his face, kissing his cheek.
“2more minute” he mumbled, turning away.
“No, Jack come on!” I said, shaking him lightly. He turned around to face me, and just as I thought I won, he pulled me down and hugged me tight, making me lie down beside him.
“Asshole” I laughed, turning around so I was facing him.
“But you love that asshole” he said proudly.
“I sure do” I laughed, kissing his nose. “Now come on, the eggs are getting cold” I smiled, trying to get out of his grip.
“FINE” he sighed, standing up.
I giggled and took his hand, leading him down.
His lips turned into a smile as soon as he saw the table.
“You're the best” He grinned.
“Jack, it's not even much” I laughed, sitting down beside him.
“It's still more than I've ever asked for” he replied cutely.
“Oh shut up!” I laughed, eating one of the pop tarts.

But apart from having school pressure, I had massive writing blocks
so this was actually just a filler, because I really had no idea how to get this on.
The next chapters should be a lot better :3
Hope you liked it though!
Thanks for reading as always, and have a lovely day!
Love you guys,
Jay xx

It was like a time bomb ~ A Jack Barakat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now