Father to Son

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That night we stayed up late . In each other's arms , forgetting about what the next day lies ahead of us .

So there we were, still on the roof an hour later . We didn't talk, only occasional glances . We just enjoyed the moment .

I didn't want to think about tomorrow because I knew I'd get confused all over again . I was so nervous . Everything was about to change . I wouldn't be a foster kid anymore that had no friends because her parents died . I would be a Luna of a pack of wolves and live with the pack . Like , a family .
Family was a strange word to me . I never experienced it , well, not that I remember.

" Are you okay? Stone rubbed my forearm  in a comforting way. " Yeah. I'm great actually ...woah look at that! " I pointed at the sky. A blood moon was out and I don't know how I didn't see it before .. it just showed up! It was absolutely beautiful . The reddest I'd ever seen a moon .
" Pretty , ain't it ? "
I was too in awe to respond .
I stared at it a moment longer before I said , " Think it's a sign of good luck? " I raised my eyebrows at him. We about died of laughter .

" No .. on a serious note . Do you think it is ?" I asked when I sobered up. " Well... I do actually . Maybe it's saying that we are meant for each other . " He smiled at me and I did the same .

He put our lips together passionately and slow . It felt natural and good . I pulled away , no matter what my heart was telling me . " No no no . We have an important day tomorrow and have to get plenty of rest . " He groaned.
" come on . Let's go . " I got up, careful to not fall off the slope . " Watch your steps " He eyed me .
Once I got inside , I collapsed on his bed because it looked soft, him following me .

" Someone's tired " He laughed enchantingly. " No just stressed . Now that we're back inside , reality kicks in. How are you not freaking out? Your going to be Alpha tomorrow ! " I said .

" Don't be stressed . You were born to be this way for a reason . And I guess what's why I'm not so nervous about it because it's a part of me . It's what I'm suppose to do. Do you get what I mean? "
I nodded my head because in a way it did make sense . I just couldn't figure out that way yet ..

" Let's get some rest." I said , hopping off the bed and making my way towards the door . I turned the lights off and said my goodnights.

When I got to the guest room, where I normally sleep , I cuddled up in the bed . It was super soft but I didn't feel right .
I squirmed around and flipped my pillow .

What if ... I put the pack in danger ? What if they don't like me ?

I tossed and turned .

What if I'm an awful Luna or worse, I make a huge mistake then... everyone will hate me.

I finally got up and crept back into Stone's room. I hesitated before I opened the door, deciding wether I should go in or not .

Taking a deep breath, I creaked the door open.
" Lilac ? " his raspy voice called . I tiptoed closer.
" I..um .. can I stay with you? " I eventually got the words out ." Of course you can . All you had to do was ask . " Relief filled through me .

He scooted over and patted onto the space beside him. I climbed in, my body wrapped in the warm sheets . I felt an arm snake around my waist and a head being nuzzled in my neck .I felt like nothing could ever harm me again.I felt safe .

I intertwined our legs together , liking the body warmth he was giving off.

In no time and no worries I feel asleep .


I woke up to someone yelling . I recognized the voice. " Lilac!!! Stop cuddling with my brother and get your butt up! " She yelled again.
My eye lids fluttered open and I was surprised by Jess in my face . I screamed and fell off the bed , knocking Stone's arms out of the way. " What? Lilac? " Stone said , sitting up. He started laughing but then helped me up. " Again?"
I playfully glared at him.
" Okayy you two. Lilac needs to get ready and YOU my brother need to go to dad. "

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