Part One: Full Bloods Chapter One

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Part One

Full Bloods

Full Blood Army Rules:

Rule # 1 Full Bloods do not ever mix with humans or love a human. Never. Half Bloods are not accepted they are disowned and ashamed upon.

Rule # 2 Full Blo ods should never bite and turn a human into a Half Blood.

Rule # 3 Never cross over the border without permission. Full Bloods are not allowed to leave the perimeter that is set out. Anyone that leaves that isn't a guard is to be punished.

Rule # 4 Full Bloods should never lie to an elder. Failure to follow this rule will be punished depending on severeness.

Rule #5 Full Bloods are to mate by their sixteenth birthday with another Full Blood. If they are not mated the elders are to discuss what is to become of the Full Blood.

Chapter One:

My life seems perfect to anybody looking in. I'm a Full Blood vampire in line for the Head of Vampire. My parents are Head Vampires of the Full Blood Army in charge of all the Full Bloods. My dad has total control over everything that goes on between the Full Bloods and well me I'm the privilaged son. Not having to do a single thing since everything has always been handed to me since I was born. After all I am their only child they had and to be honest that's how I like it. I'm the first born son in command under my parents which means I can do pretty much anything. Well pretty much anything except a few things I'm forbidden from.

It is the year 2025 and everyone knows vampires exist. If you don't know about us you must of been living under a rock for quite some time. We have existed as long as humans have just in the dark until we decided to come out. We're not that bad honestly even though we do feed on humans. But you have to understand that is how we survive. Yes, some humans

might think why don't we feed on animal blood instead, that it is better than killing humans. Are they serious though? Have they ever tasted that crap? Vampires don't just feed on any blood it's a human's blood for a reason. If we were born to feed on animal blood we would of been doing it for centuries by now but we're not. There for it will never happen or at least I'll never do it.

The human population is controlled by the Full Bloods. Maybe those humans don't know or maybe they do which is why they hide during the night. If we didn't feed on humans then there would be an over population of humans everywhere running around. Not caring that the world can only hold so many. But since we feed on a minjority of the human population it is staying at a steady population. Not too many humans and not too little. The plus side is humans don't kill other humans anymore or that's what I've heard. Less violence and crime between humans but an uprising killing of humans by vampires feeding.

Humans should be happy by that I mean isn't that a good thing? Prisons and jails less crowded by worthless humans that think they are better than everyone else. Killing people just to kill and getting nothing out of it other than another dead person lying on the ground. At least vampires kill to feed and survive and not just to do it because we are angry and sick in the head. We don't feed because we want to but because we have to. Everyone has to eat and so that is how we eat what is the big deal? It's not like I go out to feed and torture them before making the human suffer. I don't see the point in doing that unlike some vampires that do I have never seen any reason to. Humans are weak and helpless so why torture the weak when they can barely put up a fight? I rather fight with someone that is as strong as I am which gives me a fifty fifty chance of winning and a fight that will last longer than a few short minutes.

All vampires are different though, we all think, feel different than others and have different ways we choose to feed. And me well I do what I want and don't care what others think about it. I like to think I'm not a bad vampire like others out there because believe me I've seen worse. I've met the worst out there and it is not me. Take Asher West for example he likes to play with his food before eating. Torturing it in ways that I don't agree with and that's a lot to say coming from me, the Head Vampire's son. That is what he chooses not me and gives most vampires a bad name to humans but we are not all like that.

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