Take me as I am

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Heather POV:

We creeped slowly towards the door. Both of our guns trained ready for some shit to pop off. My trigger finger was itching right now, I was ready to shoot somebody, shit anybody.


I was disappointed to know that it was only John.

"John what are you doing here!? Did somebody follow you!?"

"What? Nah, I mean I don't know."

Amir quickly surveyed the outside to make sure the coast was clear while John followed me inside.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was making sure you wasn't being a hoe."

"How did you find me?"

"I got a tracking device in your car."

"You can't be serious, motherfucker I'm here so that I can take down Rodney's family."

"I told you to leave that shit alone."

"He killed our daughter! Our other daughter is locked away in some crazy house because of him and you telling me to leave it alone?" I asked in disbelief.

"Exactly, you don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"They kidnapped Meadow."

"Fuck you just say?"

"They took her!"

Amir came back in letting me know everything was quiet and still outside.

While John paced back and forth.

He looked at Amir with crazy eyes.

"You let this happen! If your scary ass was man enough to stand up to Rodney, Hazel and meadow would be here."

"Bruh we not about to start this shit again."

"Fuck you just say? You're a bitch, you hear me nigga? You're a bitch. My daughter is dead because you're a bitch, a scary ass bitch at that."

"Get it all out."

John must've thought Amir was mocking him so he snatched the gun from me and aimed it Amir.

"John baby, listen Amir isn't our enemy Rodney and his family is."

"Stop taking up for him! He got our daughter killed man."


"I haven't been the same! I feel like I failed her, I'm her father and I couldn't save her. What kinda man does that make me."

"You're a good father, it was out of our hands. But this-this we can control. We can take them down John."

"That shit isn't bringing Hazel back, I'm never going to see my damn daughter again."


"Stop with the bullshit, you telling yourself this so that you can sleep at night. So that you can sleep in peace. What happens when you kill them and still feel the same?"

"I'll sleep good knowing I got justice for our daughters."

"Lie again, I know you have nightmares Heather. You had two daughters. Where are they now?"

"You're either with me or in the way John."

"If you don't leave now and come home, I'm done with you."

I chuckled.

"You must be out of your mind, I'm doing something you're not man enough to do."

"What's that?"

" I'm going to kill Rodney and his family. Not only am I going to kill them but I'm going to make them beg. I'm going to make them cry out, just like Rodney did Hazel."

"You're twisted, you let them corrupt you."

"Give me back my gun and get the hell out of my life."

John laughed while handing me back my gun

"You don't only fail at being a mother, you fail at being a wife too."

"Get the fuck out!"

Before leaving he said his last words to Amir.

"I'll see you."

I was pissed.

I went to the basement to take my anger out on Rodney's sister.


"Where did they take her!?"

Rodney sister was terrified and sluggish. I lifted her up smacking her repeatedly to wake her up completely.

"Where is my grand baby!?"


"Shut the fuck up Amir!" I let her go letting her body hit the ground while dust covered her.

"You know John was right, this is your fault and it'll always be your fault." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I know" he said, his shoulder slumped with defeat.

"I know I should've helped her, I think about that every second of the day. I hate myself for it. Why you think I'm here? I'm not going to stop until I see Rodney dead."

"I know where they took her."

We both looked towards Rodney's sister. Not sure of what she said.

She coughed before continuing.

"Y'all may think my family is close but we're not. Every family has problems."

She lifted her body as much as she could.

"I know where they took the baby."

"Why should we believe you."

She sniffed while responding.

"Be- Because that's where they took my baby."

We were paying attention now.

"What do you mean??"

"I had a baby by a man they didn't approve of, so they took care of my baby and sent him to the place they'll take Meadow. They're going to do to her what they did to my baby boy. My family ain't saints and they don't take threats lightly so if you want to get her back you have to do it fast."

"Why are you all of a sudden willing to help us?"

She laughed sarcastically.

"Because I'm bitter."

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