Chapter 3- Darkness...

Start from the beginning

Raima made a disgusted face wiping her cheek...she watched her and replied in a determined voice...; ''first no pecking....this feels yuck....and second yes I will... come what may....but remember one thing....the one who gives you pain....will pay the price in a harsh way....I can be cruel too'' Sam rubbed her nose with Raima before hugging her tight....and planting numerous kisses on her face ignoring Raima's warnings...

Mumbai Airport

Arjun pulled his hoody up while walking out of the airport....he was quickly surrounded by his security as he walked out of the VIP gate....the reporters kept pushing the security to reach the star...they were throwing questions at him....clicking their cameras to get a picture of him....Arjun waked calmly to his in he smiled at Gupta who was already seated in the car..; ''How are you uncle''

Gupta; ''Good and very good to see your was your shoot and where is Nivi''

Arjun sighed; ''She left for UK...she had to shop for her cousin's wedding''

Gupta; ''Why are you marrying deserve better''

Arjun; ''Lets not talk about will lead us the way...any news on the media queen?''

Gupta ; ''I have spoken to Snehal....I think she will meet us''

Arjun turned toward the window and looked out; ''I am not interested in meeting Snehal....I want to meet her..... Raima ....Uncle refuse the meeting if she is not meeting us in person''

Gupta was surprised; ''How does that matter....we just need her does that matter whom we meet''

Arjun; ''matters to me....''

Gupta stared at Arjun for a minute; ''you are fascinated by everyone don't want to meet her for your want to see person'' Arjun did not answer ....neither Gupta asked he understood...Raima had struck the cord of Arjun's heart...Gupta's POV; 'he has never adamant on meeting any one before....I have to get this meeting fixed anyhow...who knows she might benefit us'

Nitin's Penthouse

Nitin had been hit by temper issues....he had been haunted by media...over Ashutosh's case....and in his anger he had slapped a reporter....but it went out of hand when the reporter asked his the whereabouts his girlfriend....who had been missing for 3 yrs....Nitin lost his head and had beaten him black and blue.....his manger took care of the issue somehow....but it did the decided to ban Nitin...the union decided that will not let him promote his movies till Nitin gives a written apology and apologies on Live television for his behavior

Nitin finished the day's shoot of his latest romantic flick....he crashed on his expensive leather couch... closed his eyes and a beautiful memory struck his mind....Sam was busy with her friends enjoying street food she was around 17 and he was 20....and Nitin was watching her from some distance...he always did this...he felt a need to keep her safe....she was so beautiful and fragile....there were many who eyed her ...but she refused all....she was just his....Sam saw a poor kid watching her having food....Sam smiled and bought him to the food cart....she ordered whatever the kid liked...and made the payment....the kid looked at her with thankful eyes.....Sam without any inhibitions hugged the kid....her friends made a face....they too belonged to the same high society as Sam....but Sam had a heart of gold.....which was full of love....

Nitin smiled and after Sam left he bought kid 2 day...they had decided to meet in the nearby park...Nitin was lying with his head on Sam's lap...she was caressing his hair....and Nitin was watching her face.... ''Sam I love you''

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