Chapter I "Back" |g.edit|

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Hi guys, you will see some chapters with the chapter title g.edit, that means it's grammarly edited, meaning i used the web. So hopefully it does a good job!


I'm sitting on my own now on the kitchen stool back at the bar counter. My eyes wander over to where the clock is, and it's barely going to be sundown outside. To be more exact, it's already six in the afternoon, and Kole hasn't come back from his pack meeting. So here I am at the kitchen looking at an empty glass of tea right now, and my mind has still been wandering around everywhere.

After everything that happened in Barcelona, after the idea of probably being able to reconnect with my father's family have been stepped on and grinned on the floor like a pesky bug. In the end, the Royal Lycan family wanted nothing to do with me. They didn't want to acknowledge that I was my father's daughter. Now thinking about it all, I don't believe that they considered my father a son anymore.

So all I knew was that my parents both fled from their families. Which isn't that uncommon and it's not like they could've done anything more. I met the Salvatore's and the Pierce's they're not that understanding when it's based on society and mixing the breeds.

I looked back to the window, just looking at the woods and nothing more. Kole hasn't said a thing after we came back from Barcelona, and to be honest, I don't know if I do appreciate that.

He did open the doors of his pack for me, but I still feel the glares of some of the wolves. Who could blame them? I took their alpha for who knows how long and here I was back with them and an Alpha that has forced them not to insult me or bully me.

He says that he hasn't said anything to them, but I wasn't stupid and knew that Kole was trying his absolute best to make me feel like home. But to be honest, it's not like I have a clue what home is. Between a distant family and a family that thinks you're nothing, I don't think the pack is a big deal.

"So how are you doing Luna?" I hear one of the guys come through the kitchen outside the door and for a second I don't talk to him. His name is Leo the last time I remembered, and he's the Beta. It's not that he's a bad guy it's just that I don't answer to Luna.

"Well waiting for Kole to come back from whatever meeting that he has, other than that I'm a little bored," I said flicking a flower petal from the kitchen bouquet. There's nothing to do here, and I can't go into town because the last time I did go, I only got glares.

"Well, he's about to finish up with the meeting, if you want I can go ahead and give you company." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me. But my pout and blank stare never faded. I was changing between getting off the bar stool and getting back on it. I looked back over at Leo and studied him for a bit longer. I noticed most of the pack member's that have the age limit actually to dare to glare at me. They all had almost birthmark colored texture on their necks. Which I could only assume is their mate mark.

I bite the inside of my cheeks a bit going back to Kole and me. We've kissed, and I sort of in a way accepted that I wanted to be with him and what not. But he hasn't marked me or anything. We haven't even mated, to begin with, on second thought I shouldn't also be considered a Luna on those circumstances!

"Woah Dom you okay? You're scratching our table." Leo snaps me out of my mental rant when I look at him, confused. That is until I looked down to see a scratched table edge.

"You guys will live, it's just a table," I mumbled a bit before my gaze looked back out at the window.

Amid the momentary silence, Leo starts talking again. "So I know Kole is taking his sweet time but if you'd like I could help you vent?" He grinned at me with chocolate on his lips. My eyebrow was raised slightly as I see the brownie in one of his hands.

"It's not something you can help me with Leo; there's a lot in my mind," I admit before I slumped down and laid my head on the floor.

"Like?" He encouraged, and honestly, I felt weird him trying to make me vent.

"Well first off why on earth is he not touching me! I mean ever since we came back from Barcelona he's been treating me like if I'm a porcelain doll. Which is insane, Leo!" I slammed my hands on the counter, feeling the bottled up emotions pouring right on out.

"I mean yes, coming back from there was a heartbreaking story, but I am ready to move on from it. I thought that when I told Kole that I wanted him, I let myself admit that he is mine. I am mentally ready for him to go right on ahead and mark me as his." My hands were tossed up in the air as a sign of giving up.

I could see Leo from the corner of my eyes just looking at me with wide eye stare. I bet he didn't think that I was going to go real personal with this.

"Kole just really does cherish you, he's been waiting for you for a long time." He tried reasoning, but I didn't have it.

"I know. God, I know that he found me when I wasn't aged appropriately. I know that I left without a trace. I know that when he found me, he didn't want me to go. I know. I know. I know! But why isn't he doing anything physical about it!" I chant and look out the window again. The wolves were coming back from the forest, and I still didn't see a sign of Kole.

"Dom, he loves you, and he doesn't want to lose you. I mean if you think about it, you've lived through something very emotionally delicate." Leo tried reasoning, and in some way, I knew that he was right

"He just doesn't want you to jump at this too soon. Do you love him?" Leo looked straight into my eyes without even blinking.

Woah, love! Well, I mean love is something that I wasn't ready to open up to. I mean Kole is my mate, and that's all that should matter at the moment. Him being my mate is the only thing that could make sense right now to me. Love, love hasn't been there for me. Maybe Kole does love me to the point that he's waiting for me. But I need something more concrete, just carrying the title of mate isn't enough for me.

I looked back out the window seeing some of the pack's girls going over to their mate's and kissing them. I could see their faint marks, and I feel this ache in my chest.

I want something substantial, something that I can touch; something that would prevail against all of my insecurities. I need something physical that cries out, MATE.

"It's too soon for me to answer that question." I murmur softly and just hold myself when I hear the door open.

"Answer what?" His honey-coated voice quickly made my nerves and thoughts go away. I look at his forest colored eyes and note his confusion.

"Let's go to your room," I whisper to him softly reaching over to hold his hand. The warmth, the electricity already making me feel so at ease and welcomed. "I need to tell you something." I finish so he didn't have to keep on asking.

Leo gave me his thumbs up, encouraging me to tell Kole what I felt.

As I went up to the stairs, I kept on racking my brain in what even to tell him. After venting to Leo, I didn't feel mad or sad or anything. I just had this urge, I had this anxiety in the pit of my stomach, and I didn't know how he was going to react.

We slipped inside his room and closed the door behind us.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked, locking it before I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. Feeling my body spark up in fireworks. His lips were making me feel so dizzy, as they perfectly molded together. My carnal desires were flourishing back to the surface until I reluctantly pulled away to look at his forest colored eyes.

"Mark me?" I pleaded.

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