Chapter X "Dance" |g.edit|

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Author's Note:

It's spring break and i finally had the chance to write again after my midterms. Let's just say i passed, but i probably didn't ace it which is fine. Anyway, here's chapter 10!!! I mean i didn't think i was going to be able to write so much about Dom. 

Anyway hope you enjoy and as always Comment and Vote please!!


It had been a while since I last trained to the intent of killing or causing harm. I had been given shooting lessons, but aside from that, I didn't formally train in any mix martial arts... or ass whooping to be completely honest on that. I wanted to for the longest time, but I guess it's all been a real blur to be completely honest about it.

Bebe's fist connects with my stomach, and I double over with the sudden impact that's left me coughing, and part of my breakfast to get stuck in the middle of my esophagus and throat.

I fall to my knees, and the smooth grass and Bebe takes a step back from me.

"You're too dense, you're overthinking on what to do instead of reacting." She scorns me again, and I just hear a giggle from the front porch. I didn't need to see who it was, the misfits have been watching getting my ass beat by Bebe like an hour ago. I could just hear the 'serves you right' giggle from Bo and I couldn't really be mad about it.

It's been two days, and I haven't really apologized to Bo or Marshall for using the lycan roar on them, much less said sorry to Ciara about chocking her either.

"I need water." I managed to couch up, and Bebe just rolls her eyes.

"Talk to me Dom, because at this rate you won't even be able to stay on your feet for three seconds against the Lycan King." Bebe tries to approach me, but I'm on my feet finally, standing up straight my bi-color eyes locking with hers.

"There's really nothing more to say, Bebe, I think you can guess I never really had formal training like this. Give me a Glock with silver bullets in it, and I'll be able to stand longer than three seconds." I tell her, and she just lets out a sigh.

"He's a king for a reason, Dom, I'm sure he has the speed to be able to dodge them. That's why when worst comes to worst, you should be able to think on your feet, not how fast you can pull the trigger." Great, I'm totally getting my ass whooped and getting a Mr-Miyagi kind of a lecture.

She lightly pats my head and smiles. "We'll take a break, gives me some time to actually find out what your strengths are." She walks back to the cabin first, and I'm left here, sort of by myself other than the three misfits kind of looking at me. I turned around and start walking towards the cabin, trying really hard not to look at these three in the eyes.

"Your fit you know," I hear the soft silk voice of Ciara when she steps away from the front porch's fence and just looks at me.

"I really doubt a girl your energy and spark didn't do anything to entertain herself or try to burn off the rage you got." Ciara's plump lips tug up a bit, and I'm just looking at her with a confused squint.

"Uh... I don't know if you're mocking me." I muttered, and Marshall steps in.

"Ciara is right, you're way too much of an atom to just sit still and be a bitch all day. You had to have done something." I relaxed a little bit, but I still crossed my arms over my chest.

"You mean besides sex and alcohol? Nothing really." I snarked back, and it was Bo's stupid giggle that got me slightly ticked.

"Please you're not a sex fiend, you have that virgin tension all over your face. Besides what they mean to say is you had to have played a sport or something? Maybe basketball? soccer?" All three misfits stand in front of me, and I don't know whether to crawl in a hole for being called out a virgin. Or try to wrap my brain as to what activities were such a big deal for this interrogation/

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