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I jogged all the way to YG Ent in simple dark washed jeans, sneakers and a red top. Putting my hair in a bun, I walked inside the lobby, the front desk my destination.

I handed in my acceptance papers to the guy manning the desk. He smiled and handed me an envelope and directed me to the room where the auditions took place.

I knocked on the door and came in, seeing other trainees also holding their envelopes. I sat down beside a girl about my age fidgeting in her seat.

"Hi! I'm Chae rin!" i offered my hand to her and she shyly shook it,

"I'm Seong Hee jin."I noticed that we were quite few, only three girls and two boys. The girl beside Heejin stuck her hand before me, "I'm Park Rae Mi" I shook her hand. "I'm Jang Hyun Seung," the guy with dark framed glasses said. The other guy with a beanie and super cute smiling eyes turned and flashed a big smile, "Kang Dae Sung here!" I chuckled.

Just then, Se7en walked in, Jiyoung sunbae in tow. We all straightened in our seats, catching Jiyoung's eye. He winked. I kept my face straight, not letting his cute wink affect me. This is hard! I bit my lip to prevent the smile from practically showing. I cleared my throat as Seven started the orientation.

"Good morning new recruits! I'm Choi Dong Wook, aka Seven. I'm fairly new to the business, but let me tell you. I'm no rookie trainee. I started training when I was 15, almost the same age as you guys, but it took me 5 years of hardwork and perseverance before my debut. This is not child's play I tell you. Don't get thinking that you're one hotshot person just because you passed the auditions, for this is only the beginning. Becoming a trainee is just one step, staying here as a trainee and debuting is still a long way to go. If you can't take the pressure, nobody is hindering you to just stop and take off. 

Here, I'll introduce Kwon Jiyoung, 16, he started training at  YG at 14 years old, but even before that, he started training at SM entertainment since he was just 8 years old. "

What? WOW! he really is a genius! 8 years old? At that time, I was still busy watching Pororo! LOL!

"So don't go judging him just because some of you guys are older or the same age as him. He is old in this business and you're lucky to be trained alongside him." I was floored. I didn't expect the noisy, silly guy I met not 72 hours earlier was that experienced already. When he said he was already a trainee, I was expecting one year at most for he was almost my age! Jiyoung looked at me sheepishly. I mouthed a wow at him.

he winked at me. (hmm. me likey.....)

"Moving on, the envelope you're holding has your schedules, food coupons for lunch and dinner, trainee handbook and your id. It is a must to read and remember the trainee handbook because three violations means you're on probation and possible eviction. Some of you have different classes, depending on how well trained you are in your specifications. Every month, we have an evaluation of all the current trainees. Study hard, work hard, lack in improvement means you're out. Do your best to impress. Jiyoung here will further answer your questions. Good luck newbies!" With that, Seven turned his back on us and walked out.

"Good morning trainees! I'm Kwon Jiyoung as hyung said, I'll continue your orientation. We all have an 8:00 am call time, inside your envelopes are your time cards, tardiness is not an option. 8:30 until 12:00 pm are your lessons, depending on the subjects. Language lessons include Mandarin, English, Korean and Nihonggo. You train from Monday to Saturday, Sunday being your free day. Classes start at 8:30 to 12:00, then lunch. coupons can be used in our canteen and some nearby food establishments listed inside the envelopes. 1:00 pm classes resume. 6:00 pm is dinner. 7:00 pm onwards, classes resume. 10 is the "earliest" dismissal, but don't think you can have the privelage of going home with unfinished work. The usual dismissal is 12:00 am. And 3:00 - 4:00 am for special events and extra work. Some of you may or may not have free days, some even have extra classes. You can complain but we can do nothing about it.

Extra work are for those who have weaknesses on some areas. For example, Park Rae Mi, from what I have read on her profile is fluent in japanese for she is-- half japanese. Lee Chaerin on the otherhand, is fluent in the english language for her dad is an english professor. So, both of them have free time on their schedules, where they can add more classes.

We all our strengths and our weaknesses, but what is important is you strive hard to turn your once weaknesses into strengths.

YG currently have five other trainees, including me, Dong young bae, Gu Hye sun, Park bom and another Lee Chaerin." He beamed at me. Oh wow, what are the chances. I slid further down on my seat, while the other trainees looked at me.

"You'll meet them from time to time, and some of you may even have classes with them, but for now, please refer to your schedules and meet up with your teachers and trainers. That would be all." Jiyoung sunbae said and walked out.

The others  stood up, glancing at their schedules and comparing them with others.The one with the beanie walked up to me.

" Hi! Chae-rin sshi, right?"

"Um, yeah." I awkwardly smiled at him, and offered my hand. "may I ask a question?" I asked him.

"Is my name that common?"

"Huh? Daesung is much common, you know." he answered me. I could tell I'm going to like this guy. I got my schedule out and compared it to the others. The only thing different about my schedule is that I have no English on Saturday, and Park Rae Mi's schedule has no Japanese. Everybody else's schedules were the same.

You know the difference between taking classes at a regular school and taking classes at YG? Everything is harder, and more complex. First day, first hour, we were to take a 350 item evaluation test to gauge our knowledge on the subject. And you think that's hard? try finishing it in less than 50 minutes. Wow.

Second subject was okay-- if you think harnessing yourself and dangling offthe side of the YG building was normal. Our crazy trainer said it was to lessen the 'heebeejeebies' of the first day, so all 5 of us, will not be shy interacting with each other. Well I guess sharing the same traumatic experience can bring you closer. She said that it'll strengthen our ties and that we can form a bond after. 

Yeah, sure, Imma go all James Bond on her ass after this.

I couldn't be more thankful for lunch break. All five of us were seated in the cafeteria holding our coupons for dear life like a bunch of penguins huddling together for warmth. Yup. Traumatic. I tell you.

"So, what do you guys want to eat?" Daesung asked as usual in his cheery voice.

"Please let my tummy settle down first." said Hee Jin. Her voice rasp from screaming earlier. She slumped in her seat, absentmindly rubbing her growling stomach. We all laughed.

"My dongsaeng!!!!!!!!" someone came bounding before us, like an over excited golden retriever. realizing it was Jiyoung, Hee jin sat up straight. Well all of us sat up straight, but not like her who stiffened and started twiddling her fingers. I smiled at that. Jiyoung then stopped before us, some guy in huge baggy clothes in tow. 

"Hi sunbae!" I smiled at him. "How are your classes?" he asked us. 

we all looked at each other and noticing that the others were to afraid to even respond to him, I answered. " Ahm, g-great!" i replied, sarcasm flowing out of my mouth.

-------------------------to be continued.-----------------------------

I really have a bad case of writer's block and i really just want to post this for you guys. happy new year!

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