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“OW….” My hand flew up to my nose.

“Oh! Sorry! “ A guy in glasses dressed in a white v-necked shirt and dark blue sweatpants with the right leg folded up said, bowing in apology.

I bowed suddenly, still holding my nose, I muttered my apologies bowing lower.

“Mianhamnida! (sorry!) I didn’t see you there.” He said, while scratching his head.

“Oh no, it was entirely my fault.. I didn’t look infront of…”

“OMO! (oh!) You’re bleeding!” He said, cutting me off

Oh, great. Here goes my day. He hurriedly handed me a small white handkerchief. I stared at it.

“Don’t worry, its clean.”  he smiled

“Oh no, I’ll stain it and ruin it.” While holding my nose with my left hand, I reached for my tissue in my back pack. I was an easy bleeder so I always have tissues, wet wipes and extra handkerchiefs in my bag.

Suddenly, the cute guy held my left wrist and put his handkerchief to my nose. My eyes widened, startled with the sudden contact.

“Here. Don’t lean back, just look straight. Don’t tilt your head! Look at me.”

He put his other hand to the back of my head, assisting me.

He told me to look straight. Wai—STRAIGHT  AT HIM?

I was trying to either look up or look down, too embarrassed to look at him. My attempts failed though, as he was holding my head. I think my nosebleed just worsened when I saw his deep brown orbs staring deeply at me. The hell… I’m blushing seriously and if this goes on, I’ll die of blood loss.

“I’m okay. “ I started to put my right hand to my nose, debating where to touch because definitely, I’ll touch his hand.

“AISH. (ugh) Don’t move. Here, sit.” He led me to the sofas in the lobby. I felt so helpless that I just listened to him and put down my hands. To avoid catching a glimpse of his eyes, I closed mine.

“Feeling better?” he asked.

“I’, okaaaay… I bleed easily, so I’m kinda used to it.” I said.

I put my hand to the handkerchief careful to not accidentally touch his fingers.

Finally, He lets go of the handkerchief.

“Sorry about that, by the way, my name is Jiyoung.” He offered his right hand. I nervously shook his hand with the tip of my fingers. He chuckled.

“I’m Chaerin.” I blushed. Again. O.o

My nose stopped bleeding and I reached for the wet wipes in my bag.

“I’m sorry for ruining your handkerchief.” I said, clutching the hanky in my hand.

“It’s okay, it was my fault that you bled in the first place.” He said, shyly smiling.

Then can I give this to you as an apology?” I asked, handing him a large white handkerchief.

He looked at me, then the handkerchief.

“Don’t worry, its clean!” I said, quoting him. He laughed and took the handkerchief.

“Cool. It’s just like we exchanged handkerchiefs.” He said

“More like you gave me a handkerchief and I gave you a bandanna.” I replied.

Comfortable silence ensued until he broke the ice and asked me.

“Are you here for the auditions?” Jiyoung said.

“Yes. Are you too?” I asked

“No. I’m already training here.” He smiled.



“Then please take care of me sunbae! I bowed.

He laughed.

“I’ll put in a good word for you. By the way, what are you auditioning for?” he asked.

“Jiyoung ah!” a guy wearing a red shirt, black pants and shades motioned for him to come.

“Hyung! ( Older brother, used by guys to older guys.) Chankamanyo!” (wait!) he shouted back.

“I have to go. Good luck in the auditions. I’ll put in a good word for you, so, Fighting! Bye Bye Chaerin! He hurriedly waved at me and went towards the guy who called him. I waved back, smiling..

Hmm.. This day isn’t so bad after all.



I put the english translations already.

Training With The BIG BANGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora