Blast to the Past (Not Time Traveling!)

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"KATSU! HEY WAIT UP!" Cathy shouted at me as she ran to catch up to my car. This is before Comic was a skeleton. She's 19.
"Cathy. What's up?" Katsu asked her as she stopped on the side of the road in her orange car. Her pink hair was out of place even more tangled than usual, because she had the windows down. Cathy had brown hair and was always jealous of mine. When she'd ask who dyed my hair, I'd say no one. My hair is naturally pink. I mean bright pink. She would laugh so hard even though she knew it was true. She also was always begging me to let her in the Fairytail guild. I would always say it's dangerous beyond the danger you've ever encountered. My brother is Natsu Dragneel. If you're into anime, you know who he is.
"I made a few friends I want you to meet them when you get back from college OK?" She asked me.
"Alright, as long as I live long enough to come back!" I teased. She laughed and went back to her house. She's SO lucky. She lives right beside the college.
At the college...
It's not that bad here. It was awkward because I had to read the note on my rear view mirror to remember what the password was. It is an extremely private school. 1792804. That's what you have to type into a tree trunk to open the garage for your car. 232453609. That's the password you type into the other stump to get in the school. Very password protected. When I went in there were four signs: GO GRIFFINCAT!, GO SLYFERN!, GO HUFFLERUFF, and GO TIGERCLAW! Weird. Oh well. Who am I to judge? Oh. what classes do I have? Potions, animation, science, art, and majicks. Yes! No social studies! I'm fine with that! I went into the principal's office.
"Um. Mr. Dumbleroar? I saw the signs out front and was wondering what that was all about?"
"Ah. Yes. Remember the test your mom gave you? You actually ended up with the most bravery I've seen in years. You were also very kind and had alot of perseverance. You will be in Griffincat." Dumbleroar explained.
"Oh that test. I thought my mom was just making sure I hadn't gone crazy." I said with a smile.
He laughed and said, "You'd better get to your first class early. The potions teacher is quite mean to people who aren't in Slyfern."
"Alright. Bye," I called on my way out.
"Bye," he said as I left. Dumbleroar is really nice. I hurried into potions. Luckily, I was early. Once I was in my seat, the potions teacher came in.
"I am Professor Grape, your potions teacher. Today we're going to be trying to make a Felicis Felix potion. It is one of the hardest potions to make so do your best to surprise me. I took out my potions book and started to work on it. I saw immediate results. I had finished.
"Professor Grape, I am finished with my potion." It was golden and gave off that "lucky" vive.
"That is the fastest anyone has ever finished a Felicis Felix potion. You can keep it. It gives you luck for a day. If you drink all of it, that is," Grape said.
"HEY! DONT PUT SO MUCH IN THERE SIR!" I ran over to him and moved the bottle up, but there was so much in it it exploded. Nothing was destroyed, but a large cloud of smoke was around me, a girl, and him
"Um. What's your names?" I asked them.
"I'm Elizabeth," said the girl with purple glasses and brown hair. Her hair was all over the place.
"I'm James." Said the guy with blonde hair. It was all over the place too.
"I'm Katsu. Waaait. Didn't you have black hair when I came over here?" I asked James.
"Y-yeah. Why? Wait. Didn't you have pink hair when you came over here?" He asked.
"You're hair's blonde. What color's mine?"
"Blonde with an orange streak," he said startled.
"I know this might sound mean, but can I call you Sparky? So if we meet up again I'll know who you are?" I asked.
"Yeah. I guess. What about you? Oh. Right Katsu is a very unique name. I think I'd be fine just calling you Katsu," he said with a smile.
"I'm right here guys," Elizabeth said.
"Sorry Elizabeth. You didn't say anything so I didn't notice," Sparky said.
"Welp. Better get back to the next assignment. Nice meeting you too," I said as I walked away.
"Y-you to," he stuttered. I pushed on the cloud. It didn't budge. I placed my hand on it as it slowly began to melt. It opened, and I walked out.
"Class is over guys you may go to your next classes," Grape said as he urged everyone out. Through all of the classes I couldn't stop thinking about the one kid who messed up in potions. Sparky had blue lightning majicks and was in science with me.
After school...
"Cathy I'm here!" I called when I got in. To my surprise 10 people were in the room with me. Cathy, Elizabeth, Aphmau, Kawaii~chan, Garroth, Laurance, Zane, Aaron, Travis, and Katelyn. That's their names.
"Kawaii~chan made you a cake Katsu~chan!" Cathy said, "Oh! Elizabeth~sama said she met you at school. She said what happened to your hair. James~senpai messed up a potion right?"
"Right," I answered. We all had cake and I went home to do my homework. After I met them and played games obviously.
That night....
???'s POV
This will be the last night she sleeps. I'm not going after him this time. In this timeline, she will die. It's not over until she is dead. I snook into her house. Fairly easily, because I am just a soul. No body means I can go through the walls of the house. Humanity is horrible. It must be destroyed. In order to do that, I must have a body to destroy humanity in. I have to possess her so that I can kill them all. She is normally fairly nice, but she has the soul of Bravery and her friends have a few of the others. It might sound mean, but it's destiny. I will possess her in the morning right before she gets up.
The next morning...😓
I awoke. Trapped. Inside my own head. Tied up in darkness. Watching. W-watching it kill my neighbors. Killing my family. Killing people I didn't even know. "Luckily my friends aren't here," Until, I snapped. It tried to kill Cathy and her friends.
"K-katsu. I know everyone's scared of you, but I-its not you in control. If you can hear me please. PLEASE FIGHT THIS!" Cathy cried for me to listen to her. It reached up to stab her. It pulled the knife up right beside my side. I turned the knife and stabbed myself. Cathy screamed and the others looked horrified.
I just looked at them, smiling through the tears, and said, "Knife help out there Cathy. Ha.... ha... ha" I closed my eyes and fell back to the ground.
Cathy's POV
Everyone is being evacuated from the area. I'm glad I'm not dead, but smad Katsu is. Smad is when you feel sad and mad at the same time. Katsu came up with it. She always was smart. I was always stupid. WHY DIDNT I JUST TAKE THE KNIFE?
"I'm I'm an idiot." I told Aphmau trough my tears.
She hugged me and said, "No your not! Your the only person who noticed what had happened."
"Yes I am don't lie to me. If I was then why didn't i grab the knife? This is probably the worst birthday she's ever had!" Cathy cried as she was devoured by the tears.
Katsu POV
Wh-wha? I'm not dead? Why? I looked around I was back in the prision in my head. I escaped and went to it.
"I cannot be here without getting rid of you. For you have ruined my first plan for the destruction of humanity. Oh! And by the way, I am Chara. The demon that comes when they call it's name. Now. Where were we? Oh right! I was about to stab you again and let you leave." Chara said.
Chara stabbed me and left me. It absorbed my dust. Chara created a body that would never age. I wonder how I knew that and how I was alive. It picked me up and threw me in a hole at the top of Mt. Ebbot.
"See you in heck." It said smiling before it through me down the hole.
"Hello. I am Toriel. It is nice to meet you. I came over here because I heard a thump. You look hurt. Let me heal you." Toriel told me in a calm voice. She leaned down and touched my fore head. Healing madjicks obviously.
"I'm... Comic," I came up with quickly. I didn't want people to know who I was from the start.
"What is that mark on your hand?" She asked pointing at my guild mark.
"It's the Fairytail guild mark,"
"Wow! I didn't know you could get any cooler!" She said, "How was it on the surface?"
"It was.... great! I loved it there,"
"Oh! Follow me! I found another skeleton. He fell here an hour ago. He is still on conscious..."
I looked down at my hands. I was a skeleton. My hair was still there though. Oh well. It's fine. I was still wearing my clothes because the dust that created it had just fallen to the ground. The dust formed clothing. So i still had my orange jacket, white top and black shorts. I was fine for now. I followed Toriel to the area with the skeleton. Something about him was so familiar...

 Something about him was so familiar

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