Chapter 7: Start of a Journey

Depuis le début

"Arkane" she called.

"Open your eyes and live in power."

"You are more powerful than anyone."

"You should stand above them."

"Who is it?" She asked, eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes." Slowly, she opened her eyes but the vastness is only covered in darkness but the woman who stood in front of her is impossibly very visible under her lids. Again, goosebumps rose on her skin. She exactly looked like her. She has her face - heart in shape, her lips - traced like the perfect lines of a bow, her body - slim and slender. The only exception was her eyes. She knows she has an attractive green orbs but the woman has dark eyes. So dark that when you stare at them, you'll recognize dark tongues of fire burning in them. Surprisingly, the woman looks a few years older than her. It's so weird that she had woken erected, approximately parallel to her who obviously on her feet. She glanced at herself and found that they were afloat.

"Who are you?" She tried to conceal her fear with a soft but fierce voice. She saw her satisfied smile.

"I am who you are." Arkane crinkled her brows in confusion and she heard her short rich laugh.

"Where am I?"

"This.." She gestured the darkness with her left hand which was holding a bow." the place between reality and dream. It is where you're feelings lay astray."

The ArcherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant