"Can you tell me what has happened after that car bomb blast" He closed his eyes for few seconds and then take a deep breath.

"When I got to know about the blast, I rushed towards that spot. Police has restricted that area and a crowd was surrounding that place. Only debris of the car was present on the blast site. I thought Mrinal would be there but she or her father was not there. I went to school towards staff quarters but she was also not there. I got to know that Mrinal's grandmother has died that day and she was on her way to her maternal town." Oh that's why she has left early that day and dad has ordered me to drop Gauri to school.

"Gauri's father and brother were in police station that day. Gauri's body couldn't be found in the car's debris so a effigy of her has been cremated. Her father was just acting like a zombie while performing the rituals for the dead. I have visited you after her cremation but you were in coma. I was feeling guilty for both of you because I knew I was responsible for all those things happened to her and you." I patted his left shoulder to comfort him.

"I am okay......" He wiped the moisture from his eyes and cleared his throat

"I am very happy that nothing happened to both of you and you guys are now together" We smiled at each other.

"Hey dude, leave that. Have you spotted the girls yet?" He nodded in no.

"Okay, let me see where they are" He grabbed my right wrist and made me sit again.

"Don't worry, they are here and safe" I raised my eyebrow at his calm composure.

"And how do you know that" He gave me an amusing smile.

"You know, I keep a watch on my wife." He chuckled a little

"What?? Does she know that?" He smirked and moved his head left and right in no.

"You know I am out most of time and I am always concerned about her safety that's why I have secretly placed a chip in her toe rings. She can remove any of her jewelry but not them"

"And why so?" I have seen that Gawri also always wear her wedding chain but never cared about her toe rings.

"A hindu married woman removes her toe rings only after the demise of her husband." I was surprised on this little information.

"I knew that and that's why I have gifted two pairs of toe rings to Mrinal on our wedding night. It also has sensors in them which tells me about her mood means if she is happy, sad, angry or frightened so I am always prepared to face her" He winked and we laughed.

"This is cheating you know" He called the waiter and take two flutes.

"This is smartness my friend." He gave one flute to me.

"So tell me what is your wife doing right now" I gave him a challenging look.

"I have only access to her location, voice and mood, I can't show you any visual" I signaled him to proceed and he took out his tablet.

"She is right now at the right side of the garden which is 20 meters away from this place and..." A frown appeared on his face.

"What happened?" I scooted and peeked into the screen.

"She was happy few seconds ago but now she is worried as per the sensors" His frown deepened and concern covered his face.

"Let's go to her" I gestured him to stand but he signaled me to wait.

He took out a pair of earphones and stuffed his ears and tapped something on the screen.

"She is with Gauri" He half raised his head towards me and I resumed my seat.

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