Moonlight walk

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Gosh guys, I forgot to put this in the last chapter but thanks so much for over 120 reads that's absolutely bonkers
And also trigger warning again.
Your pov
" hush little baby don't cry a word
Mama's gonna bye you a knife and a blade
If that blade goes doll and won't cut
Momma's gonna bye you a gun
If you feel like giving up, just pull the trigger and everything will stop " you walked around quietly single, you hips moving in slow dance.
Jack was asleep upstairs, but you couldn't sleep.
You took on your shoes and quite opened the door, it squeaked a little but not enough to wake up Jack.
You got outside and closed the door.
You looked at the moon and started crying...
Because of a part from your favorite song: she stood up on the chair
And looked out at the moon
Just don't think, it'll all be
over soon
The chair feel down as she
took her final breath
It's all over, all gone, now
she's greeting death
Her mum walks in, she falls
down to the floor
And now nothing can take
back what she just saw
The little girl that she raised
is just hanging there
Her body's pale and her face
is violently bare
She sees the note and
unfolds it with care
All she does is stare
" how can this be fair ?"
She starts reading as the
tears tool down her face
" I'm sorry mum but this
word is just not my place
I've tried for so long to fix
and fit in
I have come to realize this
word is full of sin
There is nothing for me here
I'm just a waste of space
I've got no reason to stay
here with this awful race
It's a disgrace
I was misplaced
Born in the wrong time
and in the wrong place
It's okay though
' cause you'll see me soon
you'll know when your time
has come just look at the
As it shines bright
throughout the night...

The song was playing in your head, only that little part of the song.
( same song as up top)
You started to run, running from your thoughts leaving them behind.
When you were so out of breath that you couldn't breathe you stopped running.
Gasping for air, you feel sweat down your face.
You look up at the full moon...
You just let out the pain, you haul at the moon, a long haul just like a wolf.
" aaaauuuuuuuuu auauauuuuuuu" it made you feel better.
You slowly walk back at Jacks house, quitely sneaking back in bed.
Okay I have been pushing myself to write today, this is what felt natural to write...
I know this isn't a song lyrics book but I wanted it in.
Bye-by see you soon

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