„...what is it?”

Have this... But be quiet around Nor. Understand?”

Why are you giving me a bottle of... Akvavit?

Be quiet! Others will find out if you shout like that!”

Find out what?”

Nothing Sve!”

Denmark gave me a bottle of Akvavit.”

Ice, you traitor!”

What's going on here?”

Oh, hey Fin.”

It's nothing to worry about!”


Pshhh, guys, Norge is coming! Quick hide it! No, why are you putting it on the table Ice!”

Why is here a bottle of Akvavit on the table?”

That's what am I wondering about too.”

„I already said it's nothing-”

„I am so done with you all.”

What are you doing lillebror? Put the bottle back at the table!”

And a beautiful thing to remember is also how you drew all the Nordics together on a picture. And... I wasn't in the back or 'the last Nordic' there.

Sweden! Nor! Fin! Ice! Come on! I have something to show you!”

Ta-san, it's late in night...”


But this is super important!”

It must be super important, to ruin our sleep, Den.”

It is Nor!”

„...Oh god.”

„I want to show you this!”

A drawing?”

Yeah, Sweden, it's a special drawing of us all!”

„...It's beautiful, Den.”

Thanks Nor!”

„I... I am in the middle...”

Why so shocked Ice-kun? You deserve to be in the middle!”

Fin's right lillebror.”



„I-I.. T-thank you D-denmark....”

I cried that night. Because of happiness. I loved that picture. And I was in the middle. I didn't know before, that you can draw that beautifully.

By the way, I want to apologize, for everything, Den. I am sorry. But don't think that I'll not call you idiot anymore. And.. Once again, I'm sorry. I really am...

Takk for the ones of the happiest moments in my life, Denmark.”

Emil's JournalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora