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Hello Journal.

I just feel like I didn't say something important to someone. Oh, I know what.

Dear Norway,

I am sorry, for being mean to you sometimes. I don't know if you know I don't really mean it. I just... It's hard to explain. But... I should say one thing. Thank you.

When I was little, I remember the times, when it was a storm outside and I was too scared to sleep alone. I always went to your room and you let me sleep in your bed.

Big brother?”

What is it? It's late in night.”

„I am scared... Of the storm.”

Oh. Then come here, you'll be fine here.”

Or when I cried, because I couldn't find any friends.

Ice, what's wrong?”

Nobody wants to be friends with me... I think I am lonely..”

It's okay lillebror. They don't understand, that you are perfect, just the way you are.”



You smiled at me. You made me happy that day. I smiled too. Maybe you were right. Maybe I am perfect just the way I am.

I also remember, when you were happy, because I said Norwegian words.

Big brother! Big brother!”


„I have something to tell you!”

Go ahead.”

Jeg elsker deg storebror!”

Jeg elsker deg også lillebror.”

I was so happy that day. Because you were happy too.

Or I remember, when you tried to teach me other Norwegian words, than just 'I love you big brother.'

Repeat it. Hei.”


Hvordan har du det?”

Hvodn ha du det?”

Nei, nei. It's hvordan har du det. It means 'how are you'.”

Okay. I'll try again. Hvordan har du det?”

Ja! You said it right!”

„I did?”


„...How do you say 'I am happy now' in Norwegian, storebror?”

It's 'Jeg er glad '.”

Okay then... Jeg er glad .”

„I am glad, that you are happy lillebror.”

These were such a good times. There are no words, that can describe how... How much you helped me in my life. I just... Thank you. Again. I know that just thank words will not bring all these times back. So I'm just going to end this with one thing.

Takk for everything, big brother.

Sincerely, your lillebror Iceland.

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