"Three." I place both hands beside her head to make sure she won't run away.

Our faces are now inches apart, "Again babe."

She shook her head.

"No blueberry cheescake then."

"What? No! You can't do that! That's so mean!"

"You told me you only love me sometimes." I pouted.

She giggled,"I was kidding! You know I love you always! Don't take away my food from me Anton, I swear I'll divorce you if you mess with my food."

I pecked her lips. "Jeez, woman calm down."

"You mess with my food, and I swear to everything sweet I'll divorce your cute ass."

I chuckled. "C'mon, we're running late."


"Why are we making our way to a helicopter?" Violet asked.

"I'm going to help you cross out two things on your bucket list, babe. Sky diving and being a pilot on a flying vehicle." I smirked when I saw her shocked yet excited face.

She jumped up and squealed. "Oh my gosh, I love you so much." She hugged me tight and kissed me gently on my lips.

"I love you too, you know I'll do anything to make you happy." I kissed her forehead. "Now, come on."

We entered the helicopter, I could feel her excitement buzzing.

"You and I both know that I have absutely no idea gow to drive this thing right?"

I chuckled, "Of course I know that, which is why Raul is here, you'll be his co-pilot for today."

"What if we die?"

Raul and I laughed, "Do not worry Madam, being co-pilot is not that hard. I will tell you what to do the whole time."


"We're going to skydive from this helicopter?!" Violet screamed enthusiastically.

"Yes, love."

"Are you sure? But I just drove the helicopter, if we didn't die from that, then this may be how we're going to die."

I chuckled. I love it when she's getting anxious over nothing, she's always so adorable.

"Yes, don't worry, we're gonna live. I've done this before."

She looked at me as if I was crazy.

I laughed and pinched her nose, "Stop over thinking this Vi, it's going to be alright. Now come on while I strap this to you."

"So we skydive together together?"

"Yes, me at your back and you in front of me. Doggy style."

She laughed, "Ew."

"You know you love me."

"Meh, it's too late to back out now."

"Five years with you and you never fail to amuse me my love."

She smirked. "Of course, babe. My only true goal in life is to amuse you like a circus monkey." She stuck her tongue out at me.

I kissed her lips. "Okay, on the count of three we jump okay?"

The other crew opened the door for us. "One!"



Violet screamed at the top of her lungs as we jumped off the helicopter.
"WHY DID I AGREE TO DO THIS?!" Violet shouted in between screams.




I pulled two strings for the parachute to pop out of the backpack as we slowly landed on a field outside the city of Paris.

"That was crazy!" Violet squealed as she hugged me. "That was the best ever! I love you, Anton. Happy Anniversary my love."

"I love you too baby." I kissed her. "I've already booked us plane tickets and hotel reservations going to New York."

"You did? Oh my goodness, Anton. We're going back home?"

I nodded. "Our flight is a week from now, we can talk about the details later. Right now I'm famished. Stanley will pick us up in a few minutes."

"Thank you, Anton."

I kissed her forehead. "Of course, I'd do anything to make you happy. I don't want you to miss out on your best friend's birthday, and I want to talk to your family as well, I know they probably despise me." I looked down.

I didn't want to admit it, but I've always been so ashamed of what I did before. I was so desperate for Violet. Only now did I realize the full weight of my selfishness.

"We're going to be okay, Anton." She whispered gently as she caressed my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."


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